Details on Niran's condition.

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By four in the afternoon, Thorm's parents arrived. The room was now beyond what it could hold. Thorm introduced his parents to everyone. "Mum. Dad. These are Niran's aunts, Waen and Damni." Thorm's parents greeted them with a smile and Thorm's mum gave in and gave the two women a hug. The next was a little harder because Thorm still did not know Niran's brothers names.

The eldest brother introduced them to Thorm's parents. "Hello Auntie and uncle. My name is James, the eldest. Second (pointed to his brother) is Jake. Third (pointed to the last brother) is Jet. It is nice to meet you." Thorm's parents smiled and greeted them respectfully.

After the introductions were made, the doctor came in. Thorm asked, "Doctor can we go into a bigger room to fully talk about everything." The doctor smiled and told them to follow him. They went into a meeting room and everyone but Thorm and the doctor sat down.

"Aunties. Brother in laws. I am sorry for delaying in talking to you about his condition but I felt at the time it would be wise to wait until my parents got here. I truly did not want to repeat anything. We could address any questions that might need answering. The two doctors are respecting that I am his lover and partner in life. I hope that you will do the same. With that being said, I hope that you will respect all the choices I make in regards to Nirans health."

The brothers frown, but Waen and Damni just nodded. Thorm's parents smiled and respected their son for his choice.

"So Niran's primary doctor has told me that Niran is just asleep at the moment. His mind had too much stress on it and he shut down mentally. His therapist and primary doctor have started him on a lot of vitamins and nutrients along with safe antidepressants and anxiety medication. I have agreed to this and that is why there was a second IV. Now for the most shocking news and one that will be verified within a week depending on if Niran wakes up, is that when he had blood work done, the doctors discovered something."

Waen grabbed onto Damni's hand. His brothers were silent in shock. They didn't speak because they were trying to understand everything. Thorm's parents held each other's hand as well.

Thorm's mum spoke up first. "Son, what is going on? What do you mean safe medication? How serious is his condition?"

Thorm took a deep breath and released it. He looked at everyone in the room minus the doctor, and then spoke. "His condition has only been recorded with 10, Niran being number 10, in the history of humans. As you know, Niran is an Omega. There is no easy way to say this, but he is pregnant." Thorm wanted to continue on but all seven people in the room shouted "WHAT!!!"

Thorm then sat down on a chair that was brought to him. The doctor still stood there. "I know that this comes as a shock to everyone, but as a doctor, I am monitoring his condition more than other people. As of right now, he is my only patient. Let me backtrack here. When the ambulance brought him in, we did not know what was wrong with him. Before we started the IV of fluids, we drew about 25 ml of blood to run a full CBC (complete blood count) on him. It is normal for labs to run a pregnancy test on omegas, but since male omegas are rare, it was almost skipped. The lab tech ran the test and the test came back positive. She thought it was weird so she ran an HCG test and it is a little high. These are all signs that he is pregnant. He will need the best doctors for pregnant people. Are there any questions?"

Thorm looked at everyone. Waen talked first. "I know my birth parent was a male as well, but now that this is happening to Niran, I need to know; Is his life in danger?"

"As of this moment, Niran is a little underweight, but that can be from all the stress he has been going under. We will work on getting him back to a healthy weight because he is now eating for two. As long as he listens to his doctors and therapist, I think he will be just fine." stated the doctor.

"Do you know when he will wake up?" James asked. Thorm spoke up on this. "The doctors don't know when that will be, but it is honestly up to Niran on when he does." James frowned and then Jake asked, "Can he be moved back to Bangkok?"

The doctor was shocked that this question was asked. "If he doesnt wake up in a few days, then we can look into that choice of moving him to Bangkok. Let Thorm said, it is up to Niran on when he wants to wake up. We will monitor him very closely. I live only five minutes from here and I am on call 24 hours a day. If there is even the smallest change in him, I will be contacted."

This set a lot of fears in people down. Waen then asked the one question people were wondering. "Should we abort the baby? This is for Niran's health." Thorm growled deeply at the thought of his child being aborted. He stood up and growled louder. James, Jake, Thorm's father had to hold him back. Thorm was pissed that anyone would even ask that even though in his mind, he has already wondered if it would be better, but in the end it was not up to Thorm to make. That choice laid with Niran and Thorm was not going to take that away from him.

Niran already hated Thorm a lot, and Thorm didn't want to add anything to the list that was always growing. Thorm knew he needed Niran to trust him again.

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