Thorm in Phuket

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Thorm woke up late because he was trying to compress two days worth of work in a few hours. He called his father at nine in the morning and asked for his help. They had a small meeting and his father would take care of meetings that could not be changed on Friday. Thorm got his father up to date for the two meetings for Friday and then they both went to meetings together. They worked together until five pm. His father drove Thorm to his house and helped Thorm pack. Then dropped him off at the airport. He was taking the private jet to Phuket.

Thorm boarded the plane and they were cleared to take off. Thorm messaged Niran and told him where to meet him. Niran didn't respond but he knew that Niran would meet him. He landed right before nine. Niran was standing with two females. He looked at Niran with a smile and ran to him. He hugged him and kissed him with a lot of passion.

"I have missed you so much." Thorm said when Thorm broke the kiss.

"Let me go! I have two people that want to meet you." Niran said. Thorm sat him back on the ground and Niran grabbed his hand and pulled him in front of his aunt and her wife. "Aunt Waen. Aunt Damni. This is my partner Thorm. Thorm this is my aunt Waen and her wife Damni. They own the hotel I was telling you about the other day."

They both smiled at Thorm and gave him a big welcome hug. "Welcome to the family Thorm. I look forward to getting to know you." Waen said with a smile. "Now let's get you both back to the house. Did you eat already?" Thorm nodded and got his luggage from the pilot.

They went to the car, and made their way to Niran's house. Upon arriving, Waen told Thorm to come to their hotel tomorrow alone to talk. Thorm nodded and they got out of the car. Niran opened the door and set his luggage by the front entrance. Niran showed Thorm around and then showed him where their room was, after Thorm grabbed his luggage. They got ready for bed and went to sleep. Niran snuggled up to Thorm in his sleep.

Niran woke up first because his stomach was upset. He went downstairs and fixed some ginger tea. He made coffee and breakfast for Thorm and then went outside to enjoy the morning air. He didn't hear Thorm come and join him.

"What are you thinking about?" Thorm asked and held out his hand.

"Just mentally preparing for today. I really don't want to go through their stuff. It feels like I'm spying on them." Niran frowned but took Thorm's hand.

"You will get through this. I am here to help. Did you eat breakfast?" Thorm asked. Niran lied and nodded. "Go in and eat. Once you are done, we will start on the study."

Thorm quickly ate and washed his dishes. Niran came inside right as soon Thorm was done with the dishes. Thorm followed Niran into the study. They spent fours going through ransom papers. To be honest, his brothers would need to look through the majority of them. Thorm held up a file that had Niran's name on it.

Niran grabbed the file and opened it. Inside was information about his past schooling, job, grades, relationships, and even residential information. Niran teared up when he looked through them. "I truly thought that they didn't care. It looks like they wanted to know me. You can look if you want. Just to warn you, there is information about my past relationships in the file." Niran handed the file back to Thorm.

"I don't need to look. I don't care about your past. I only care about your future with me." Thorm took the file and set it aside. "Are we almost done going through everything?" Niran nodded. "Most everything is for my brothers anyway. I am going to pack everything up and send it to them via courier and let them handle everything. There honestly was not much, was there?"

"Mhm. Let's get ready to go to your aunt's place. She said she wanted to talk to me today. Should I be nervous?" Thorm asked with a laugh.

"I honestly have no idea what she wants to talk to you about. With her, I have learned to let her do things her way." Niran said with a smile. Thorm took Niran to the bedroom, where they changed outfits. Niran wore a comfortable outfit that was ivory and navy. Thorm ended up wearing a navy button down top that hugged his muscle torso and ivory pants that were a little looser. They both wore navy shoes.

They ended up walking to his aunts so that Niran could show him a little bit of Phuket. They passed by a few convenience stores, a small market, some local stores and a few coffee shops. They got to the beach, took off their shoes and socks, and walked in the waves to Waen's hotel. The walk took roughly thirty minutes but they just enjoyed each other's company. They really didn't need to talk because they both were just comfortable being together.

When Niran saw his aunt's place, he stopped walking. Thorm kept walking but then noticed that Niran was not by his side. Thorm turned to Niran and slowly walked back. Thorm grabbed his hands and they just stood there. Thorm wanted Niran to speak first.

It was a moment before Niran spoke. "Thorm, what ever my aunt says, please don't react to harshly. I am not sure what she will talk to you about, but I have a weird feeling that it won't be good. If she says anything bad, come to me for confirmation."

"I am sure everything will be okay. Your aunt loves you and is just wanting to make sure that you are safe and loved. I will listen to all her concerns and whatever else she has to say. Trust me and trust in us." Thorm said while taking Niran into his arms.

"I trust you. I will stay with Damni while you are with my aunt. Are you ready?" Niran pulled back a little but kept his arms around Thorm's waist. Thorm kept one arm wrapped around Niran and Niran just hugged him as they walked to his aunt's house.

Waen saw them from the back porch and just stood there with a slight frown. She was so scared that Niran would get hurt again. Her brother and sister in law honestly did not know how to raise an omega and therefore sent him to her parents to raise. She had a shitty childhood because of her parents. Her father was an alpha whereas her birth father was an omega. Her birth father raised her with so much love that all the hate was shadowed just a little. Niran never knew hate from his grandparents, but that of his parents.

"Aunt Waen! I hope you are well today. Did you have lunch yet?" Niran asked.

"Damni is just finishing setting the table. I have the food ready to go. I just got done when I saw you walk up." Waen said as she gave him a big hug. "Come let's eat." Waen let him go and showed them into the dinning area. Niran and Thorm walked hand in hand.

Lunch was served and they ate in silence. Once they finished lunch, Warn looked at Thorm and just said "Come with me." and got up from the table. Thorm looked at Niran, who just nodded, and then got up from the table and followed Waen.

Damni and Niran cleared the table, did dishes, and then sat on the back porch with tea. 

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