Disappeared for a while

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Niran got home and he found his living room put together. Niran gave a call to Hiran. "Hey Hiran. Thank you for putting the living room together for me. I need to repay you. What can I do to make this up to you?"

"Buy me lunch for two weeks and we will call it even. How did things go with your parents?" Hiran asked with concern.

"They are dead. My brother didn't say anything else. He is going to give me a call with more details. I will be back on Monday to work. We got that project to finish. Once that is done, we will figure things out. I might take a small vacation just to get away. Thank you again for everything. I am going to take a shower and then go to bed." Niran said

"Niran, I am here for you if you need anything. I am sorry to hear about your parents. Let's get together this weekend with Sanan. That is if you are not busy." Hiran said.

"I would like that. I will create a group chat with the three of us." Niran said.

"I gotta get going. I will see you soon. Good night Niran" Hiran said.

"Good night Hiran." Niran then hung up the phone and took a shower. He got dressed and went to bed. He tossed and turned that night but finally got to sleep around 2 am.

When Niran finally got out of bed it was around noon. He did not hear his phone going off for three hours straight. There were many miss calls from his family. Nothing from Thorm, Hiran, and people from work. He sat the phone on the bed and got himself ready for the rest of the day.

As he got ready for the day, he thought to himself, "What happened to Thorm. Did he make it home okay?" He picked up his phone again and called his brother back.

"Hello brother, I am sorry I missed your call. How are you holding up?" Niran asked.

"As well as expected. Everyone is gathered at the house to finish making funeral plans. I will give you the address. Want it now or by text? Can you bring over some stuff as well?" His brother asked him

"Sure. Just text me everything you need and the address. I will be over in a little bit." Niran said.

"We will look forward to your arrival. It has been years since we last saw you." His brother said.

Niran hung up the phone and finished collecting things in his bag to head out. He went to the car and got in. Still nothing from Thorm. He should have asked for his information as well. He got the text from his brother and then went shopping for the items. Once he got everything, he made his way over to his family house.

He rang the doorbell and his oldest brother answered the door. He opened the door wide to let Niran in. Niran took a deep breath in and walked in. He saw his other brothers on the couch.

"Baby bro, welcome. Sorry that our reunion is done this way. How have you been?" his second brother asked.

"I am just here to drop things off and see what you guys need." Niran stated.

"We are holding the funeral this weekend. Mother and father are both being cremated. There won't be much that needs to be done. Our wives will handle the funerals. We just wanted to go over the will right now. You are in this. Want to see it?" His oldest brother said as he held the will out to Niran.

"To Niran, we are leaving you half of our fortune. The amount is 45 million baht and the rest will be split between your brothers. Niran is also getting a house in Phuket as well. The rest of the siblings will split the remaining 6 houses between them. This is our way to say we are sorry for our youngest child." Niran read out loud. His eldest brother then handed him the deed to the house and a check for the money.

"Mother still did not like you for being an omega, but father really loved you deeply. This was his way of apologizing to you. He often spoke of you and despite our mothers views, we do truly love you. We want to connect with you again." his brother said.

"Give me time and we will get there. I am going to head back home. I will see you on Saturday for the funeral." Niran said and then left.

He went by the bank and deposited the money into his account and then went home. He ordered food and then waited to hear from Thorm. The rest of the week flew by but Saturday came. Niran went to the funeral and just sat there and then paid respect to the dead. Then he went home.

He went to work on Monday and worked with Hiran on the project for the rest of the week. Hiran was in contact with Yada and the rest of the group for the project. Before Niran knew it 14 days had passed since the last time he saw Thorm. Thorm was on Nirans mind a lot of the time.

Niran was getting more mad that Thorm did not try to contact him. Niran was always with Sanan or Hiran after work. Thanks to Niran's hard work and Hiran communicating everything, Their project got done by the end of the month. Yada, Niran, Hiran and the rest of the group went out to celebrate. 

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