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Thorn walked Niran to the car and they got in. Thorm handed Niran the card and told him to take it and use it for shopping when they go on the date day with his siblings. Among all of that he told Niran to move in with him. Niran was speechless. Thorm drove Niran home and then told him that he would spending the night again.

They went inside and took a shower together and then went to bed. They cuddled up together and just kissed each other gently before falling asleep. Niran woke up first and made breakfast for them. Thorm got up right as soon as breakfast was finished. He came out of the room and went to the kitchen and took Niran in his arms when Niran picked up the plates to put on the table.

"Did you think about moving in with me yet?" Thorm said as he kissed Niran's cheek.

"Give me some time. You are more than welcome to stay over as long as you need. I will give you my house code and spare key, if you forget the code. One day, I will move in with you. I know that now we are marked to each other, we can't be away from each other for long. Now let go, so we can eat and get to work." Niran said.

Thorm let go and took his place at the table. They ate in silence and then got ready for work. Monday at work was normally busy. Niran was busy with following up on the project that they just finished. Everything was going smoothly. Hiran and Niran went to lunch.

She apologized if she said anything that was mean during the time she was drunk. Niran told her that he understood where she was coming from and promised to do better at being a friend. They both went back to the company for lunch and finished off their day.

Thorm made dinner that night and they cuddled in bed. Niran fell asleep first. Thorm left the bed because he still had work to do. When he finished it was already midnight. He joined Niran and fell asleep. Thorm woke up early and made breakfast and then left for work without waking Niran.

Niran woke up and found breakfast and a note. He packaged up the breakfast and got ready for work. When he arrived, things were in turmoil. Hiran rushed to him and asked if he knew about the rumor.

Niran handed Hiran the food and went to his desk. She followed him, still pestering him about the rumor.

"Niran, this could mean us losing our jobs. How are you not worried about this rumor?" Hiran said as she stood beside his desk. She opened the container of food and started to eat. "This is very good. You did a great job. This food doesn't taste like your normal food. This is even better than before!"

"Thorm made the food. Is my cooking that bad? As far as the rumor goes, please just focus on your job. Stay out of the gossip and you will be okay. If anyone is going to lose their job, it will be me and not you. You will be okay. I promise you this right now." Niran said with a smile.

"Thorm is a good cook. I will do my job. I promise that I will stay out of gossip from here on out." Hiran smiled and went back to her desk. Hiran and Niran worked together to finish the followup. They still had work to finish and had to stay late.

Niran texted Thorm and told him that he would not be home tonight and that he should stay at his place for the night. Thorm did not respond at all. Niran stayed at work until 10 that night. He checked into a hotel that night next to his office. Showered and went to bed.

Wednesday at the office, the rumors were still going around but this time, it was who jobs were going to be let go. Everyone but Hiran and Niran, were on edge. Hiran went to her desk and started to get a proposal for a new project in a new company together. Niran told her not to create a new proposal because of the rumor. Niran texted Thorm that he would be home early that day if he wanted to come over. Still no response from Thorm.

Niran left early and went home. He did not make dinner because he wanted to wait for Thorm. Thorm was still not getting in touch. Niran was worried about him. Niran messaged him once before he went to bed, to remind him to eat and sleep well. He washed up and then went to bed.

Thorm ended up going to Niran's around midnight and falling asleep on the bed next to Niran. He woke up early and left again, but not before giving Niran a kiss on his forehead.

Niran went to the office on Thursday where a mass email was sent out stating that everyone would have an easy day today and that there was a mass meeting tomorrow with the different departments. Within this email there were times for each department. Niran and Hiran's department was the second to go at 10 in the morning. Along with the email, people were advised to come into work 10 minutes before the meeting and then leave right after without talking to anyone else.

Hiran and Niran finished with their final email to the other company with the final result on their co-project together. The rest of the day they just responded to emails for random coworkers and companies about questions involving projects that they were a part of. They left early and went to dinner. They drank a lot and they both went back to Niran's place. Hiran was asleep on the couch and Niran went to sleep on his bed. Thorm did not show up that night. Hiran and Niran woke up at 9 am and got ready to go to work.

During the meeting that is when it was confirmed that there was a take over on the company from a company that they just finished a major project with. The following week, it would be known if the people in the office will have their jobs or not. There was no set number on how many people were to be let off.

Niran left the office and did not talk to Hiran about this. He went home and called Thorm. Thorm never responded. Niran was now pissed that Thorm was now ghosting him. 

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