First Kiss

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Hiran stayed with Niran that night and slept on the ground. She tossed and turned all night but finally got to sleep around 3am. Niran did not sleep that night. His mind was on his grandparents and how his parents accused him of being the reason that his grandparents passed away. This brought his mind to his parents in the hospital. He should really go see them.

Their alarms went off at 730 in the morning. Niran got out of bed and went to the kitchen. He put on some coffee and then went to the bathroom. He told Hiran to take a shower first when he left the bathroom. He pulled out a small shirt for her to wear once she left his room. He also gathered his clothes and waited by the table.

A few minutes later she left the bathroom.

"I put a shirt in the room for you. It might be big but it is better than wearing the same clothes from yesterday. What time are you going to work today? I will take you there." Niran looked at her with a serious face.

"Thank you for the use of your shirt. I am not going today. We have shopping to do. Is there any place that you want to go to while we are out?" Hiran asked with a smile.

"Shopping wont take long at all. I need to go to the hospital to see my parents. Then I am going to the aquarium. This part I will do alone. What time are your brothers coming?" Niran asked.

"Let me message them. I am kinda mad that they didn't show up last night. Go take a shower and I will give you an answer when you get done." Hiran said while she pushed him toward the bathroom.

Niran took a shower and got dressed, and then went to the living room. Hiran already made his coffee for him and got changed into his shirt. It looked better on her than it did him. Hiran looked up from her phone and said that her brothers would be there that afternoon. She would stay there while he did his solo running around. Niran sat down beside her and gave her a hug. She patted his arm and smiled.

They let go of each other and drink their coffees in silence.

"Let's get going. I am bored." Hiran said standing up. Niran gathered his items and then left. They got in the car and went to a few stores. They got a bigger tv, a new coffee table, and few other items. They went to lunch after they got all the items in the car. They did not eat much because they were on a time limit. After their quick lunch, they went back to Niran's apartment. They unload the items from the car and took everything inside. Hiran pushed Niran back out the door to visit his family.

He got back in his car and went to the hospital. He asked the front desk where his family was at and they gave him the room number. He went to the third floor and went to their room. Upon entering, his mother and father started to berate him.

"Now you finally show up, you ungrateful brat. Your brother told you a few days ago that we were in here. You are the reason we are here in the first place. You owe your brother all the money he has put down for our stay here." His mother stated.

His father remained silent but looked lovingly at his wife. Niran looked at his father and noticed that he was not right. Something was different about him. His father looked at him and just shook his head and then turned to the window. His mother kept yelling at him and his father when the alarms on the machines went off. Her body started to shake and the nurses and doctors came rushing in. A nurse moved him to the door and then went back to his mother. He glanced one more time at his mother and father and left.

He went to the front desk and asked for a sheet of paper. He wrote that it was not his fault for their actions. He never saw them as his parents and that he lost his real parents almost a year ago. He wrote a lot that was on his heart and then folded the letter and handed it to the woman there. Then he left.

He got in his car and made his way to the aquarium. He got out and went to the Starbucks nearby. He ordered a caramel macchiato to go. After he got his coffee, he went to the aquarium. He greeted the people inside by name and then scanned his membership card. He walked around and stopped at the penguin area. He noticed the bench and decided to sit for a while.

He smiled for the first time in 24 hours when he thought of Thorm.

"He will hate me now because of what happened yesterday. I will never see him again. At least I can hold onto the memories of the time we had." Niran thought to himself.

A worker came to him and asked if he was okay. He gave a small smile and nodded. He quickly left when the person left. He made his way to the shark area. This was the last place that he wanted to visit. Upon entering the area he saw Thorm standing there with flowers. Niran turned to leave when Thorm shouted to him to stop.

Niran slowly turned toward Thorm. Thorm motioned him to come to him. Thorm smiled while he watched Niran slowly make his way toward him. Niran on the other hand was scared about what was going to happen. He did not return the smile that Thorm had on his face. When Niran got to Thorm in front of the big tank, Niran looked up at Thorm.

Thorm looked down at Niran and started to speak. "Niran, I apologize for what happened yesterday. Yada was out of line. She did not understand what happened to you. Don't blame Hiran for telling us a little of the story. I am sorry to hear about your grandparents. I just wanted to let you know. I am here for you if you ever need anything."

Thorm handed the flowers to Niran. Niran took the flowers and then looked at Thorm. Niran saw he was nervous.

"Sorry, I am a little nervous. I have never done this before." Thorm raised his hand and rubbed the back of neck in shyness. He took a deep breath in and then said, "ithinkilikeyoualot." Niran tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Want to say that again? Deep breath and relax." Niran said while grabbing one of Thorm's hands. Thorm looked down at their hands and then looked back at Niran.

"I think I like you a lot." He stated.

"Think? What do you mean? You either like me or you don't." Niran said with a small smile.

Thorm took another deep breath and took Niran in his arms. He leaned down closer to him and said. "I know I like you." Then he brushed his lips against Nirans. Niran sighed and kissed him back. Thorm deepened the kiss. Everything around them faded into the background.

Niran broke the kiss but did not move from Thorm's arms. Niran looked up at Thorm.

"Go out to dinner with me tonight." Thorm said. Niran agreed. And they left the aquarium hand in hand. 

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