Walk in the Park

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"Come let's go to a park nearby." Thorm said to Niran, while handing Niran his coffee.

Niran nodded and silently led the way to the park near his place. He didn't say anything. Thorm followed. He wanted to tell Niran everything about him. His family, the company, his life, and how much he truly liked Niran.

They went to a bench by the lake. Niran sat down first and then Thorm followed.

"You wanted to talk. So start talking. I don't want to stay out all night just waiting for you to say something." Niran said while looking at the lake. His emotions were getting better of him. He really wanted to move on from Thorm. He honestly was trying, but seeing him again brought back the content feeling that he had when he first saw him at the aquarium.

Thorm still sat in silence trying to form his thoughts. After ten minutes of silence, Niran got fed up and stood up. Niran was upset at this point, and he started to walk away. Thorm grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the bench.

"I am sorry that I am not speaking just yet. I had to form my thoughts before I spoke. Let me start at the beginning. I grew up in a well off family. I have a loving mother, father, and two sisters. My grandparents own a few companies that my father took over when he was ready. My grandparents are really judgemental and don't like people beneath them. My father is an alpha, while my mother is an omega. She was never accepted into the family until she had me." Thorm said with a frown.

"I was the surprise baby of the family. My mother's new job was to raise me with the understanding that I would be taking over for my father. I was sent to the best schools and universities. This year I started at my fathers company as a director. Over the past couple of weeks, I have started to take over for my father as the CEO of the company. I have been dealing with both grandfather and father. They are being annoying." thorm ran his hands through his hair.

Niran looked at Thorm. "So your family has been on your case about work. I am sorry to hear that you are having a hard time with your family."

Thorm sighed. "It gets worse. I honestly don't think you will like me after you hear the next part."

"Continue on. I won't judge you." Niran said and then he took a sip of his coffee.

"Two weeks ago, I went home. This was the time that I was informed that I would be taking over as CEO. With that my parents told me that I would need to go on a marriage date. I have been on three dates. All females, and they were from well off families. I could not feel anything toward them. They all wanted to marry me because of my wealth."

Thorm took a deep breath. "The thing is, I don't like females. I am gay. I want to be with a male. When I told my family this, they almost disowned me. I told them that the family name will be carried on. Even if I don't have a partner, I would still have a child via surrogate. That was the way my family would allow me to date who I wanted. It took me two weeks to convince them of this."

"I could not contact you because they were watching my phone and even went through it. I had to delete everything that had to involve you. I lost everything. I know I have no reason to ask this, but could you ever forgive me? It sounds like I am making excuses on why I could not contact you, but I would give anything to go back two weeks and just save everything regarding you." Thorm said with a small smile on his lips.

"So how did your parents take that you are interested in me? Do they care that I am not from a well off family?" Niran asked with a small frown.

"They want to meet you. They do not know you are an omega. I really don't care if we can or can't have children. I just want to be with you." Thorm said. He turned to Niran and took his hand. "Please come to dinner with me and meet my family. Please I promise that they wont do anything bad. If they offend you, I will protect you. Say you will come?"

"Why do you want me to meet your family?" Niran asked.

"Because I.." There was a small pause. "I long for you. I also like you. I want to be with you."

"Long for me? I don't understand. Please talk in a way that I will understand." Niran said and turned back to look at the lake.

Thorm moved his hand and grabbed Niran's chin. He gently moved Niran's face toward his. Niran looked at Thorm.

"From the moment I saw you at the aquarium, I felt a pull toward you. I don't know why I felt this pull toward you, but it led me to wanting to know you more. That led to me liking you. In the future, I want to mate with you. I want you to be my partner. I don't want to scare you." Thorm said with love in his eyes.

"You didn't scare me. I felt the same pull toward you as well. It is too late." Niran whispered.

"It's never too late when it comes to love." Thorm said and leaned in and kissed Niran.

Niran struggled for a little bit and then started to kiss back. Niran gave a sigh and wrapped his arms around Thorm's neck. "Let's go back to my place." Niran said.

Aquarium love (BL+ Omega-verse)Where stories live. Discover now