Press Conference pt1

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Thorm was woken up around nine in the morning with news from the police. His sister escaped from police custody. Thorm was beyond mad. He left the bed and went to the living room. He was still on the phone with the police.

"How could this happen?" Thorm asked in a low angry voice.

"We suspect that one of our guards was paid off by someone. We can't confirm this at the moment. We are putting out a city wide search for her. She is now a wanted criminal. We are offering you full protection today at your press conference. Let me know the time and location. We will be doing a full look at everyone who comes today." The chief said.

"The press conference is at two pm at my company in the press conference room. I will have my security team work with your men today. I need you to get this solved sooner than later." Thorm said now officially pissed that this was happening.

"We are working non-stop to find her and her people." The chief said.

Throrm didn't bother with a goodbye. He hung up the phone and then threw it across the room. The phone broke into pieces and then he picked up more things and started to throw them around the room. By the last piece, he was yelling. Niran woke to the noise but did not leave the room until the yelling stopped.

When Niran got to the living room, it looked like a tornado came through. The place was a wreck.

"Thorm, love, what happened?" Niran stood in the doorway looking at the mess.

"That bitch escaped. Now she is wanted by the police. She is in hiding and it is going to be hard to find her. I need to keep you safe. I need to call people, but the first thing I broke was my phone. Get dressed, we are getting a new phone and then we are coming back. I am calling up bodyguards for you. I need you to stay safe. If anything were to happen to you, I would die." Thorm came over to him and held him. He buried his head in Niran's neck and just breathed in his scent. It was calming him down.

Niran and thorm walked together into their room and got dressed. They left the house twenty minutes later and went to the store to get a new phone. He got a new SamSung phone and started to set it up. They returned an hour later to a newly cleaned house and lunch already made for them.

They ate lunch and then Thorm called for bodyguards. He hired them for three months. He did not know how long his sister would be on the run. Thorm and Niran changed clothes and got in the car with the bodyguards following in a car behind them.

"I am sorry if I scared you earlier. I can have a bad temper when I am pushed beyond my normal emotions. Once things get settled with my sister, we will go on a long vacation." Thorm said everything like Niran already agreed on it.

'You are fine. I understand where you were coming from. Can I plan the vacation?" Niran said with a hopeful voice. Thorm nodded in agreement and then turned to look at the window.

He still looked at the scenery passing by when he spoke again. "No matter what you hear today at the press conference, I would request that you just smile. I will try to do my best to answer all questions directed toward you, but I know that there will be some that you will need to answer. If you get stuck at any point, just look at me and take a deep breath and then speak. Here take this and put it on." Thorm took something out of his pocket and handed it to Niran.

"This is not our official ring, but just temporary until we get to a store and pick them out together. The first ring will be picked by me and then our wedding bands will pick together. Do you mind wearing this today?" Thorm turned and looked at his love.

"I don't mind. Are you sure that this is what you want? I believe..." Niran was stopped mid sentence by a kiss. "This is what I want. I don't want anyone else but you. You are my everything. I will do anything to keep you safe. You will have my name, family, and money to protect you now. You have the right to look down on anyone who is below you. Starting from today, Those reporters can't touch you. We are clearing the air involving matters of the company and announcing our relationship. My parents will be issuing a release statement about supporting our relationship and denouncing their daughter today after the conference." Thorm then kissed Niran again.

Niran pulled back. "Who all is going to be there from the company?"

Thorm sighed but then quickly smiled. "Hiran, my sister's assistant, my parents, us, my assistant, a few higher managers. Most people will not be talking. Two people are going to be arrested. One is already in police custody but is coming to confirm what they were hired to do. After today, things should go back to normal. Are you nervous?"

"No. I have you beside me. Do I have to put the ring on myself?" Niran blushed as he asked.

Thorm picked up the box from Niran's hand and took the ring out. He lifted Niran's left hand and kissed the back of it. He then gently slid the thin ring on Niran's left ring finger. It was a perfect fit. Thorm then kissed the hand again.

Thorm pulled Niran into his arms and gave him a kiss. They continued to kiss until there was a knock on the window. Niran pulled away and his face held a deep shade of red on his face. He was so embarrassed getting caught kissing.

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