Finally date night

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Thorm led Niran to his maybach and opened the door for him. Once Niran got seated, Thorm then got into the driver's seat. He looked over to Niran who was just looking at him. Thorm leaned over to him. Niran closed his eyes because he thought that Thorm was going to give him a kiss. Thorm chuckled and grabbed his seat belt and then put it on him.

Thorm went back to his seat and put on his seat belt with a small chuckle. Niran opened his eyes and looked at Thorm with a small frown.

"Are you ready for dinner? I am taking you somewhere nice." Thorm said while pulling out of the parking spot.

"How did you know I was going to be at the aquarium? Where are we going to dinner? I am dressed okay?" Niran was getting more nervous now.

Thorm gave a deep laugh. Once he finished laughing, "A little bird told me you were going to be there. I just didn't know the time. I just waited for you, hoping to see you. In regards to dinner, you are dressed okay. No one is going to judge you, and where we are going; it is a surprise."

"Who told you? I really want to know." Niran said.

"You will find out soon. I promise. Now are you ready to eat?" Thorm said with a smile.

They have only been driving for 25 minutes. He parked in a spot and then got out of the car and moved quickly to open the door for Niran. He held out of hand for Niran to take it. Thorm led Niran to the restaurant.

Niran was shocked when they were shown into the private room. They were left alone and that is when Niran started to question Thorm.

"How did you pull off a private room at The Crystal Grill House? I can't afford this place." Niran said while looking at the menu. He sat it aside and then looked at Thorm.

"I can, so I want you to order what you want. If you are having a hard time picking, we can pick a few things and then just eat. The wine here is good as well. What would you like?" Thorm said with a smile.

"White wine, you pick please. I will let you pick the food. I am not picky when it comes to food. Thank you for dinner. I appreciate it." Niran said with a smile.

"I understand. I will order everything. Just sit back and relax." Thorm smiled again. The waiter came and took the order.

Thorm and Niran started to talk about their lives. Niran was careful not to mention anything about his painful past. He did talk about his grandparents a lot. He also mentioned living with them for years. He lived with his grandparents from age 6 to age 19 when he went off to college. His parents had enough on their plate with raising three alpha boys. He talked about college and discovering who he was and his sexuality and also the death of his grandparents almost a year ago.

Thorm talked about being the only male child in the family. He was heir to his fathers company. He had two sisters. Both were married and had a few kids. His mother was putting pressure on him to marry as well. He talked about never having a partner. That is when Thorm opened up to Niran about being gay. He needed to find an male omega, but that is not why he likes Niran.

Niran was shocked but regained his composure when the food arrived. Niran liked Thorm as well, but he was not worthy of being with him. They were of two different classes. They silently ate because they were both in their own thoughts. The phone ringing pulled them both from their thoughts.

"Niran, it is your phone ringing." Thorm said as he put his phone down on the table. Niran got his phone from his pocket and answered it. Thorm could hear what the other person was saying.

"Hey little brother. I just wanted to let you know that mother passed away and dad was too broken-hearted that he soon followed. The rest of our siblings will be showing up soon. The funeral will be in a few days. I will text you the rest of the details later."

"Okay. Thank you for letting me know. I will be at the funeral even if no one wants me there."

"We really need to talk. All of us. I will reach out soon. Take care little brother." Niran's brother hung up.

"Are you okay? Do you need to leave?" Thorm asked with concern.

"Yes, I do need to leave. Can you take me back to my car please?" Niran said.

"Sure thing. Let me pay and then we will head to your car." Thorm said. He waved down the waiter and handed her his card. The waiter swiped his card and then he signed for it. Thorm pulled Niran's chair back from the table and then held his hand when they left.

Niran go in the car first and then thorm got in. "Put your seatbelt on. I will get youtube your car. I know you got stuff to do."

They drove in silence and 30 minutes later, they arrived at the parking lot. Niran got out of the car. Thorm followed and quickly got to Niran before he got in his car. Thorm spun Niran around and grabbed his head and kissed him. Niran returned the kiss and slowly moved his arms to wrap around Thorm's neck. Time slipped from them. When Thorm finally let go of Niran, they both were smiling at each other.

"Give me your line. I will contact you when I get home." Thorm said and handed Niran his phone. Niran put his line information into his phone.

"Thank you for a fun night. I really enjoyed myself. Be safe getting home. I will look forward to hearing from you." Niran said and then gave Thorm a quick kiss on the lips and then got in his car. Niran waited until Thorm left to go back to his place.

Aquarium love (BL+ Omega-verse)Where stories live. Discover now