Niran's Return to Bangkok

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Thorm got to bed and fell asleep fast. He unconsciously grabbed a pillow and started to call for Niran. He knew, subconsciously, how much long he longed for his partner, his love, his soulmate, but he did not notice the physical changes his body has gone through in that week.

When Thorm got up, it was already noon. He took a shower, got dressed, and had a light lunch. He ended up leaving the house and went to the one place that he shared with Niran. He went to the aquarium because that is the place where he first met Niran.

Thorm took a seat in the area where he first met Niran. He thought to himself, "It seems like just a few weeks ago that he met him and that he fell in love with Niran. To be honest, it really was love at first sight. How I wish that Niran was by my side. I miss him so much." He was so busy thinking and looking at the shark tank that he didn't notice a person beside him.

That person took Thorm's hand and started to speak. "Thorm? Thorm?" The person touched Thorm's shoulder and reached for Thorm's face. "Thorm look at me love." Niran touch Thorm's face and pulled Thorm's face toward him. Niran noticed that Thorm was thinking and hadn't really come back from his thoughts. "Come back to me." Whispered and then kissed Thorm on the lips.

Thorm pulled back and just stated, "I'm a married man. Leave me." Niran smiled pleased that his partner saw himself as married. Thorm sighed and looked around finally coming back from his thoughts. When his eyes looked at Niran, he closed his eyes and said, "God, why are you teasing me this way. Is it because I miss Niran?"

"Love, look at me. I am really here. I missed you so much that I left Phuket so I could be here with you. That is why I did not reply to you yesterday. I was getting ready to come back to you." Niran said and looked into now Thorm's opened eyes. "I missed you." Niran opened his arms so that Thorm could hug him.

Niran was pulled into Thorm's body. He smiled and wrapped his arms around his partner's body. "Thorm? Can I ask you a question?" Niran asked with a concerned look now growing on his face.

Thorm didn't reply because he was in a state of pure bliss. Niran then started to talk again. "I am concerned about you. You seem to have lost weight. Have you been sleeping and eating properly? Let's leave and get a proper meal in your body. It won't be anything fancy, but I promise it will be good." Niran said and then gently pulled away from Thorm.

Thorm frowned when Niran left his arms. He looked back at the shark tank while forming his thoughts. Inside he was so happy that Niran had come back to him so early. He was worried that something bad was going to happen. After a few minutes he finally answered Niran. "Love, I have been really busy with work. After my parents and I left Phuket, we had a disagreement on the plane. So I have been focusing on getting things settled. I only sleep for about 4 or less hours per night. I eat when I can. I did have a light lunch today before coming here. How did you know I would be here?"

Niran took Thorm's hand with a smile. "This seems to be the one place that you and I will go to when we seem to be missing the other. This has become our spot. Now (standing up and holding out his hand) let's leave and go on a small date."

Thorm stood up and took Niran's hand. "Let's walk around once and then leave. Where did you want to go for the date?" He talked while leading Niran around the aquarium.

"I got everything planned out already, so never mind about the planning." Niran said while giggling.

"Manager, Niran came back to Phuket

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"Manager, Niran came back to Phuket. He is now with Thorm. I have been trying to get close to Thorm but I have yet to be successful. Even the people that I hired to seduce him failed as well. Do you think this plan of yours will be successful?" The person asked into the phone.

"Ihave already taken care of the first step into becoming part of his management. Now I just need to ruin him to the point where he has no choice but to leave the company. Do you still have the photos from the other night?" the manager asked.

"Yes, I do, but why are you asking about them now when just last night, you did not want them." The person was upset now.

"I am going to text you an email address. What I need you to do is select one or two of the photos and send them to this person next week. Take any photos that might be taken the wrong way. I want them with strangers. so that means you will need to hire people to interact with him when he is alone. The more photos or videos you have the better. Keep an eye out on them, and seize any chance you have. Understand what I am saying?" The manager asked.

"I understand. I am going to follow them. I need to get out of here before I am noticed. I will keep you updated if I see anything that seems off." The person said.

The person hung up the phone and left the aquarium. He got in his car that overlooked the entrance of the place. After 30 minutes, he spotted Niran and Thorm leaving the aquarium. They got in Thorm's car that was parked a few spots down from him and they left. The person followed them.

After driving around for thirty minutes they arrived at a restaurant. The person left the car after parking and stood by his car and lit a cigarette. He watched the couple go into the restaurant. He followed them and requested a room right next to theirs so he could watch the couple.

Once they ordered, the man waved down their waiter and paid the person to spill something on Niran and then he would make a move.

Once they ordered, the man waved down their waiter and paid the person to spill something on Niran and then he would make a move

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Comment how often you would like updates on this story. Not sure if I am liking where this is going, but I know where it is going to be heading. Any suggestions on what you would like to see happen?

Thank you to everyone that has read up to this point. I did not think I would ever see people read my stories. Seeing the number increase really encouraged me with writing. Thank you again.

I would also like to know if you want other references added into the story. I was thinking of adding Ateez, GOT7, and Vixx references as well. Please let me know any ideas that you might have or any references you would like to see.

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