Niran's final choice

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Mark led Thorm back into the room. Mark pointed to a chair near Niran for Thorm to sit in. Thorm did what he was told through a hand gesture. Once Thorm got comfortable and just sat there for someone to talk.

Mark looked at Thorm and then sighed. He honestly didn't know where to start the conversation. Best way to do this is just to come out and say it. "Thorm, I want to ask you something. How do you feel about the baby? How do you feel about Niran?"

Thorm was a little taken back. He thought he already told Niran all of this and yet he still doubted him. He would tell Niran everyday for however long it took that he truly did love him. Thorm looked at Niran and spoke up. "In regards to Niran, I love him more than I love myself. My world is a dark place, but he is the light and my ground to my world. Without him in it, I would be lost. He is the first person that I have ever dated and wanted to be with. He is also the last person that I want to be with." Thorm said all of this to Mark but still looked at Niran. Niran never looked at him and that he was okay with. Thorm reached for Niran's hand, and Niran let thorm take it. "In regards to the child, I much as accepted the fact that I might never be able to have children, what Niran is carrying is a miracle to me. Something that I thought would happen. I will love the child but I honestly would love Niran more. The child is his choice to make if he wants it or not. I am not going to put pressure on him to make a choice."

Mark finally smiled. He heard how much Thorm loves Niran. "Are you going to be with Niran just for the child?"

"Doc, it is up for Niran. I will still be with him one way or another. This choice is his to make and make alone. I won't blame him if he does..."

Niran interrupted Thorm. "Yes you will. We have a lot of things to overcome. One, like how you don't contact me when you are having a rough time at work. Second, you never have time for me. Third, when will we go out on a date? Finally, what do you even like about me?"

Thorm kissed Niran's hand and looked up as soon as he lifted his mouth from his hand. "Let me address all your concerns now. About the total of two weeks that I did not contact you was because of work. I was doing a takeover on my fathers company and I had meetings from 9am to 2am. I did not sleep much during that time. I did get a short break in between and was able to fully focus on us. Then we started to merge companies and that took a lot of meetings as well. I canceled two meetings so I could come back to you. I did not think that you were asleep at those times. I did crawl into bed with you but I did not wake you up. I had to leave the place in the early hours. This is the reason why we were fighting so much. For that I am truly sorry. Now that everything has calmed down, I will have more of a relaxing time in getting back to you. Second, I am now in a spot where I can fully have time for you. If you need anything, just let me know and I will be there.

Third concern, I will take you out on however many dates you would like. Honestly I have planned one while we were here but things happened. Once you are fully recovered, I plan on taking you out. For the last concern, I love that you are always kind to others. You think about others before yourself. I love the way your eyes light up when you are drawing and the way your mouth opens just slightly when you are focused. I love the way when you cook, your body sways just a little. It is like you have a song stuck in your head. You are sexy, kind, and caring. Before I even got to know you, I honestly felt like I became the luckiest person in the world just for meeting you."

Thorm kissed Niran's hand again and then gently squeezed it. Niran was now crying. "Niran, look at me, hun. I will give you as much time as you need to recover. Do you want to stay here for a while longer before you come back to Bangkok or do you want to go back to Bangkok? I will respect whatever you decide. I am not sure if the doctors told you, but you are being released tomorrow."

"Can I answer you later. I need to think about it." Niran said while wiping tears away.

"Niran, take as long as you need." Thorm said and then looked at Mark. Niran then looked over at Mark with a smile on his face.

"Niran, how are you feeling about what you heard?" Mark asked

"Mixed feelings to be honest. It has been an emotional day. I need to rest a little. Can I be alone for a while please?" Niran said and then moved to lay down. Thorm let go of Niran's hand when he started to move. Thorm got up and put the blanket on him. After getting him settled, Thorm left the room. Mark exited after a while.

"He will order food once he wakes up from his nap. He is drained from today. Everyone leave and Thorm, take a shower." Mark patted thorm's shoulder and walked away. Thorm left and went back to the hotel room that his parents got for him. He got the hotel key from the front desk and went to the room.

He stripped from his clothes and got in the shower. He turned on the water to hot and just let the water run down his body. He didn't know how long he was in there but he finally got out and dried off. He went to the bed and flopped on it. He didn't even cover himself up because he was fast asleep within seconds.

The phone kept ringing and ringing. Thorm slowly opened his eyes. He sat up as soon as his phone stopped ringing. He got off the bed and went to his pants and got his phone out. There were five miss calls from Niran. He only slept for 3 hours. The phone rang again. It was Niran again. Thorm answered. "Niran, I am so sorry I missed your calls. I haven't slept in over 48 hours. I didn't know I was asleep until I woke from your call. I will be right there. Do you want anything to eat?"

"I don't need anything, I just wanted to make sure that you were doing okay. Will you be coming by later? Do you need any more sleep? What about this morning when we woke up together?" Niran asked.

"I am good to go and this morning, well, I had just fallen asleep when everyone showed up. Did you think about everything?" Thorm asked. "I just wanted to know where you are in your thought process."

"I'm keeping the baby. I want to stay here in Phuket for a while longer, but I want to spend this time with my family so we can all reconnect. Will you go back to Bangkok and wait for me?" Niran asked. Thorm in shocked, replied "I respect your choice. I will leave for Bangkok when we get you back to your house. Oh I just wanted to let you know, I did get your note and I did not move you in. I will wait for you for however long you need. Take your time with your family."

Thorm got dressed and went to the hospital. He ordered dinner and then ate with Niran. They talked about the baby and they both agreed that after a few months, they would move in together, but that did not mean that they would not have sleep overs.

Thorm got in the bed with Niran and they cuddled with each other while they fell asleep. Niran woke in the middle of the night and just looked at Thorm. "Despite all the bullshit he has put me through, I truly do love him. He has never questioned my feelings for him and for that I am grateful for." Niran kissed Thorm's cheek and then got up to go to the restroom. When he returned, Thorm just opened his arms and Niran got right back in. Thorm sighed with happiness once his love got back in his arms. Niran just looked at him for the rest of the night, and finally fell asleep around two am.

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