Not pregnant?

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Thorm led Niran out of the aquarium and led him to his car. "Did you drive today?" Thorm asked once they got to his car.

Niran shook his head and went to open the door. Thorm stopped him from opening the door and he opened it instead. Once Niran got settled in the seat, Thorm leaned into the car and buckled Niran in. Thorm gave Niran a quick kiss on the cheek and then stood up. He closed the door and went to the driver's side and got in.

"So where are we going? Just tell me and I will drive you." Thorm said while starting the car.

"Do you remember our first date?" Niran said with a smile. "Let's go there for dinner."

"Are you sure you want to eat there? It is still early." Thorm said while reversing the car.

"It is already after five. Let's go eat and then we have a few more places to go before we retire for the night." Niran said while looking at Thorm with a smile.

Thorm drove to The Crystal Grill House. He parked the car and went to open the door for Niran. He held out his hand once he opened the door. Niran let Thorm help him out of the car. Thorm held his hand while they went to the entrance. The hostess asked for the name of the reservation. Thorm gave both names because he was not sure which one the reservation would be under. The hostess found their reservation and led them to their room.

After getting settled in, the waiter came and took their order. Once the server left, Niran finally gave Thorm his confession. "Thorm, we need to talk. It is about what happened in Phuket." Niran took Thorm's hand in his and took a deep breath in and out before continuing. "I went back to the doctor. They ran another test on me. Everything came back negative. Do you mind that we are not going to be parents yet? I understand if this puts things at a stand still in our relationship. I am ready for whatever you want to do in regards to our relationship."

Thorm kissed the back of Niran's hand. "Niran love, I don't mind if we never have children. If you want to have children, we will make it happen. We can adopt or have a surrogate. If you want to try to get pregnant, we can try for however long we need to. Like I said before, this choice is yours and yours alone. I just want you to be happy. Our future children will be your choice and when you want them. I don't want to hold you back from your dreams as well. If your dream is to be a stay home parent, I will support you. No matter what you decide, I will support you." Thorm said and then kissed Niran's hand again.

"Do you still want to be with me?" Niran said with tears in his eyes. Thorm looked up at Niran and just nodded.

"Remember what I said; I won't let go of your hand; I promise you" Thorm sung softly to Niran.

"Are you really singing to me? So does that mean you are still with me forever?" Niran asked. He removed his hand from Thorm's and wiped a tear away.

"Love, why are you crying? No matter what, I will always be you." Thorm moved Niran's hand away and wiped the tears away. The waiter came back in at that moment and thorm glanced up at the waiter and noticed that one cup was about to be poured onto Niran. Thorm stood up in a hurry and blocked the hot tea that was being poured. Thorm winced at the pain but made sure that Niran was protected.

"Call me your manager right now!" Thorm said while still blocking Niran. The waiter left in a hurry and returned a few minutes with the manager.

"I don't know who paid this person to hurt my "Wife" but I want something to be done about it. Check the cameras to see if they had any prior interaction with customers via giving them money." Thorm said.

"Thorm, we need to get you to a doctor. Your back..." Niran spoke.

"Love, I will get it checked out, promise, but right now, we need to figure out why they were after you." Thorm said.

Waiter smirked. "Mr. Thorm, everyone knows who you are here. He is not worthy of being by your side. You should not be with such a lowly person."

Thorm walked up to the person and punched them in the face. He did not like violence but he would protect his partner. The waiter fell to the ground holding her face. "You don't have any say over my life or that of my "Wife". We are happy together and just because you don't like then that is your problem and fault." thorm turned to the manager. "I will no longer be doing business here with you. I will pay for their medical fees because it is the right thing to do but after that I will have nothing to do with your restaurant." Thorm took out his wallet and gave money to the manager. "This should cover the medical fees. Now we are leaving. Do I owe anything for the food?"

"It is covered. Ican't take the money for the medical fees." the manager tried to hand the money back to Thorm.

"No. I don't want to get sued for not taking responsibility. If that is everything, We are leaving." Thorm stated.

Thorm led Niran out of the room and led him to the car. Niran got in on the passenger side and Thorm got in the driver. Thorm didn't start the car but did take out his phone and called his family personal doctor to come to his house.

Aquarium love (BL+ Omega-verse)Where stories live. Discover now