Damni and Thorm's conversation

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On the way back, the drinks started to hit her hard. Thorm had a tough time getting back to the hotel. Once they arrived, Niran helped Damni with taking Waen to bed. Once Waen was tucked in bed, Damni told Niran that they should stay the night. Thorm was still outside and just sitting on the beach. He was thinking about everything that Waen told him.

He was overwhelmed with the information. There had to be something else that was going on with Niran's birth parents hate toward him. Thorm vowed to look into it. Thorm noticed that Waen did not mention his brothers. He wanted to ask about that but decided not to. Niran had enough on his plate. Thorm was so deep in thought that he didn't hear Damni coming up to him.

"Did Waen tell you everything?" Damni asked when she put her hand on Thorm's shoulder, shaking him from his thoughts.

"I think there is something else that she forgot but I am not going to ask." Thorm said not looking at Damni.

"If it is about his brothers, let me enlighten you on that front. As you know that Niran's brothers are triplet Alphas. They were raised with the best of everything. The best schools, clubs, and just life in general. They knew about Niran because they were five when he was born. They loved him from the start. They loved him even though their parents sent him away. They fought their parents for him to stay, but they would not listen. They only saw Niran as the killer of his twin. Niran still does not know about his twin.

Niran's brothers never thought this, and just saw him as their younger brother. As they grew up, in secret, they would call their grandparents to ask about Niran and see what he was up to. When shit hit the fan with Niran, they did everything in the background to protect him. His brothers went after the his ex and the two Alphas that his ex agreed for Niran to be raped. Let's just say that they are not able to contact him anymore. Niran's job offer was because of his brother as well. I don't know what happened between you two and that is for you two to work out, but I love Niran like he is my own child. If you hurt him again, I will hunt you down, as will his brothers. Niran is loved by a few but those who protect him are only doing it out of love." Damni said.

"What do you mean my job was my brothers doing? What happened to my ex? Why are you talking about my past without my permission?!" Niran yelled. "You know what, screw this. I am not staying here tonight. Continue to talk about me, like I am not even here. Damni, I never once gave you permission to talk about my past. That was for Waen to do, because she knew I would have a hard time talking about it with Thorm. Thorm, I can't believe you would ask about this to Damni. You could have come to me if you had more questions. I was ready to answer questions that you might have. You two continue your conversation, I am out." Niran said and then turned to leave.

Damni and Thorm stood there looking at Niran leaving. "He didn't know what his brothers were doing. This is hitting him hard. Stay here tonight and go see him tomorrow." Damni said while patting his shoulder.

"No, I am going to him now. He doesn't need to be alone. He needs to know that no matter what, I am not going to leave him." Thorm said and then ran to the front of the house. He was too late to get in the taxi with Niran so he ran all the way back to Niran's house. When he arrived, Thorm heard yelling.

"What the fuck did you do?! Who was the one that "got me my job"? Who went after my ex?! What in the hell did you guys do?" Niran was shouting. Thorm waited until there was silence and knocked on the door. Niran was still on the phone, but opened the door. Niran stepped aside and let Thorm in. "I will deal with you once I am done on the phone."

"Niran are you there? Can we talk about this calmly? I am waiting for our brothers to get here so we can talk. Can I call you back once they get here? They will be here in thirty minutes. I will call you back with them. We will tell you everything on our end once everyone is together." His eldest brother said.

"Fine, but just to let you know, I am really mad." Niran said and hung up without waiting for a response. Niran sat his phone down on the table and looked at Thorm. "Why did you go to Damni for answers? Why did you not come to me? I asked Waen to tell you a lot of things because most of this, I am still working on. With my parents' death, I am trying to process everything. It was easier for her to explain things because I could not mentally handle telling you everything. When my ex hired two Alpha's to raped me, I knew someone rescued me, but I was so drugged that I didnt know who was the one that saved me that night. I think the reason I am so mad is because they didn't stay to see if I was safe." Niran fell to the floor crying.

He wanted his brothers in his life, but he never thought they would be behind all his "success'" in life. He didn't think that his brothers cared enough to protect him. He thought that they hated him because he was an Omega. He wanted to know about his sister that he shared a womb with. He broke down so much that he fainted. Thorm called the emergency line and got him to a hospital. Thorm called Waen to tell her, and he also received Niran's brothers call. Thorm informed him that Niran was now on his way to the hospital and Thorm was soon to follow because he had to let people know. The brothers told Thorm that they were on the way to Phuket and would arrive soon.

Thorm, Waen, and Damni arrived at the hospital at the same time. Waen was sobering up, but was able to function. The docs were running tests on him and trying to figure out what was going on. Waen had to call his therapist and tell him what happened. The therapist talked to the doctors there and informed them that he might have had a mental shut down to protect himself. He also informed the doctors that he was coming to Phuket in the morning and would be there by nine am. The doctors there agreed to wait until he got there to do anything.

Thorm sat by Niran and just held his hand. The nurse came in and wanted to hook up an IV to Niran so he could get fluids. Thorm let out a growl when the nurse did the IV line. He calmed down when the nurse left. Thorm never let go of Niran's hand.

"Go home. I will contact you when everyone gets here. Should I be worried? Has this ever happened before?" Thorm asked in a whisper.

"He has had this happen before but it was after his first relationship. When everything that she did to him came out in the open. He was in a small coma for about four days. Once he came around, my parents took him home and brought the therapist over to talk to him. He will be fine, just give him time." Waen said. "We are not leaving though. I am going to go get some coffee. I will get you some as well. Damni don't say anything. I am honestly blaming you for this, but I know it was never your intention to cause harm. I know he will be okay."

Damni was racked with guilt. Thorm took her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Waen is right. He will be okay. It was my fault for asking more questions. Thank you for answering them." Damni squeezed back and nodded. "Thank you, Thorm. You are really too good for your own good." Thorm shook his head, "I am just good to Niran. He is my everything the moment I saw him."

Waen stood outside the room for a moment before leaving to get coffee. She heard them, but smiled as she left.

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