Waking up

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Niran's brothers, aunts, and thorm's family arrived the following day to check in on Niran's condition. Thorm was in the bed with Niran when they all entered. Everyone gasped when they saw the scene. Niran moaned out loud and moved to stretch his arms. Thorm moaned and pulled Niran closer to him.

Niran opened his eyes and gasped at Thorm's movements. Niran turned his head and saw everyone standing there. Niran slapped Thorm's arm hard. "Baby not now. Let me sleep a little bit more. I need to call everyone later. I'm not ready to handle everyone's reaction just yet."

Niran replied, "It is too late for that because everyone is here. Now get up! I need to use the restroom. Will you help me and then we will all talk?"

Thorm opened his eyes and jumped out of bed. All seven pairs of eyes were looking at him with disdain. Thorm helped Niran to the bathroom and then left to give him privacy.

"Why were you sleeping on the bed with Niran?!" Everyone asked in different ways.

"I got permission from the doctor to sleep with him. The bed is big enough for the two of us. Now will everyone stay out of our bedroom matters? What and how we sleep is between him and I, and now one else." Thorm said. Niran had opened the door and heard this. He just stood there smiling at Thorm. Thorm turned and helped Niran back to the bed.

"Hello everyone. I am sorry if I caused everyone to worry about me. I am honestly doing okay. I think everything I discovered took a toll on me. Now I have questions. Please sit everyone. Thorm, sit by me please." Niran patted beside him.

Thorm got in the bed beside him and took him in his arms. Thorm pulled Niran to lean upon his body for comfort. Niran waited until everyone sat down and then spoke. "Brothers, Aunt Waen, and Aunt Damni, is there anything that you need to tell me?"

"James, Jake, and Jet let me tell him." Waen said. She looked at Niran and started to talk. "So one thing that your parents or grandparents never told you was that you were a twin when you were born. You were born second. Your sister was a still born baby. You were a surprise. They never expected that your mother was carrying twins. When the doctors delivered you, your parents were mad. They lost their little girl that they planned and waited for so long. They put all the blame on you but you were and still are totally innocent about what happened. After they took you to the nicu, they did a complete look at your sister's body. It was because her heart stopped growing. Her body grew but her heart stopped developing at 3 months along. Her heart had too much stress on it and gave up about a month before the birth. The heartbeat they heard was yours. They took all their grieving on you and that was not right. Your parents sent you to your grandparents because they were not treating you right. It was me and your grandparents that persuaded them to make this move. I am sorry."

Niran nodded and just took everything in. "So it is you, I have to thank you. Because of you, I got two parents that loved me and loved me. I honestly never saw my birth parents as my real parents. My grandparents were and still are my true parents. They raised me with all the love in the world. I know that you guys had your differences, Aunt Waen." Niran then looked at his brothers. "What about your part in all of this?"

James looked at Jake and jet and then spoke. "Our parents always spoke badly about you and that you were the reason our sister had passed away. We heard this all of our lives. When you were sent to our grandparents, we fought them to keep you. We wanted you to stay. You were just a baby and it was not your fault. They did not listen to us. As we got older, all three of us would call our grandparents and ask after you. We knew about your graduation, dating life, and even when you went to the university. We did show up to your graduations. We stayed out of your love life, but we were worried about your job and trying to find a decent career. We contacted a few companies that we partner with and asked if you applied to hire you. It was the only one that you applied for. The HR team did not know about our request until after you got hired. Getting hired was all you and not us."

Niran nodded and drew Thorm's arms around his like it was a lifeline for him.

Thorm and his parents didn't say anything but just listened. Thorm's mum was tearing up at the story. Niran looked at everyone, but said nothing. The room went silent because everyone was nervous to say anything else. The door opened and in came two doctors.

Mark, Niran's therapist, asked everyone to leave. Thorm and Niran watched everyone leave, and then he got up, helped Niran get in a more comfortable position, kissed his forehead and then left the room. Niran watched Thorm leave and gave a small smile on his face. Mark looked at Niran and gave a small smile.

The primary doctor gave Niran a quick look over and announced that he could leave the following day. Mark stayed silent and waited until the other doctor left. Then he spoke once the two men were alone. "Niran, how are you doing? I heard a little bit about what happened from Thorm, your aunts, and your brothers. I am not concerned about them, but I am worried about you. You only had this happen to you once before. It took you three months to accept your parents' passing (respecting that Niran saw his grandparents as his true parents)."

Niran sighed. "Mark, I don't think I will go on with this pregnancy. What if Thorm is just in it for the child? I can accept what my family told me, but I am more worried that Thorm will only love me for the child. I am pissed that my birth parents did what they did, but at the same time, I am grateful that they gave me to my parents. I know I am not at fault for my sister. I am just..."

"Let me get Thorm in here. You guys need to talk but I want to be here just in case you need support. I am going to lead this conversation."

Niran nodded and then Mark got up and went to get Thorm.

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