⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀v. laughter.

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♥︎ 𐀔ʾʾ
Gwendolyn sat on the edge of the lake, watching as Tomi let out a howl of laughter after being thrown in, her limbs flaying around and doing nothing in stopping the fall.

She watched as Eryn followed near behind, and then Lehada, too, barreled into the lake. Gwendolyn knows, deep down, that she wouldn't have come with, if it wasn't for the fact that feeling so many positive emotions didn't soothe her at least a little bit.

And well, after the return of Jasper, reuniting the leftover Cullen family together after a full year of radio silence from him ; it was hard to not want to bathe in that happiness, those feelings.

After their - war.. Jasper and Gwendolyn hadn't even spoken once. And yet. He gravitated towards her most of the time while he was here. In the kitchen - when she cooked silently and stirred veggies together in a pot, Jasper helped with cutting the meat and stirring the pastas to make sure none of them stuck to the bottom.

At night, when they gathered at the fire in the living room, Jasper sat like a wall between her and Eryn. It wasn't.. like that, at first. It gradually became that way. At first he sought her out discreetly, holding the door open for her and letting her find a sitting first, and then after a while, he made her drinks, and then sat with her only for a moment before leaving to find Tomi, Edward and Rosalie.

And then one day he'd sat beside her, and she'd said something along the lines of "What the hell are you doing?" She hadn't meant to snipe, or to snap like this. But it had been so long - she'd become so very rusty at those types of things, that when things did come out, they did in the form of word vomit. Angry and biting, a beast slumbering in her mouth and lashing out. She hadn't been angry. Not in the slightest. Simply confused.

But for some reason, he'd smiled. Had tilted his head of ridiculously shiny blond locks, and slowly blinked as though a cat trying to show care.

"You're family now, aren't you?" His voice had been soft and gentle, quiet. A juxtaposition to Eryn who'd always been headstrong and loud and so emotionally blunt.

So. Gwendolyn bad began to question why no one had ever.. cared enough to do all of this for her. The others had always been kind, sure. And Tomi made sure to include her in things, but it was the slight attention that Jasper payed to her that made the difference between them and him.

"You coming?" The southern accent smoothly slid her out of her head, the confines of it loosening its hold if only for a second to acknowledge Jasper.

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