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Short chapter
I walk into my house and the sound of a baby cry pierce my ears. My little sister was staying with me so was her newborn baby. Ashley was 19 when she got pregnant , well she still 19 now. But since our parents kick her out I told her she could stay with me only if she get her job done and take care of her baby. But hell she lacking.

"Whats the matter." I said taking the baby from her.
"Hell he cries all the fuking time. I can never get a break from his little ass." She said stretching.
I rolled my eyes at her ignorance.
"So? You was grown enough to open your legs , so be grown enough to take care of him." I said.
"Man Loe , I aint trying to hear that shit. Bad enough his daddy dont wanna do shit and mom and dad on my ass about being irresponsible.." She said.

I shook my head and took the baby into the back room. I don't see how it's the baby fault he didn't ask to be in the world.

"Hey John." I cooed in his face.
His chubby hand came up to my face and hit me.
"Your momma acting stink again?" I ask.
He look up at me with his big brown doe eyes , I swear I had a child with out even having one.
I got out from the bed and went to find Ashley.
"What you doing?" I said to her.
"Texting Nard." She said.
Nard was the name of her 'boyfriend' hell he was dead beat and wasn't shit and wasnt gonna be shit now. I don't see why she still fuck with his ass.
"Why?" I ask.
"That is John's father." She said dryly.
"He don't act like it." I said.
"Why the fuck you always in my business? Dont you have a fucking life or some shit?" She said.
"Im not about to sit here and let you talk shit to me Ashely. I was women enough to help you and be women enough to kick you out. You know Nard ass aint shit but yet you still fucking with him. I hope you aint begging his ass to be apart of John's life , cause that aint cute. If you gotta beg his ass to be with cha' then he aint worth it." I said patting John back.

"Yeah i hear you." She suck her teeth.
I went and put John in his crib and shook my head. Poor baby got dumb ass parents , I felt bad for him.

"Don't fucking suck your teeth at me. Im trying to help you and you wanna be hostile about it. I work my ass off making sure you and John have everything i do more than our parents ever did for us together." I stump.
"Aight damn Loe , chill." She said.
"Its no chill , if you gonna come for me make show the shit all the way direct. Cause if its indirect it sure ass hell wont get respected." I said.

"Ok." She mumbled.
"I need for you to treat John better." I said calming down.
"I do what you mean?" She said confused.
"He deserve to be love too. Im tired of seeing him cry his eyes out for you to take him out the crib and spend some quality time with him. Feeding and changing aint gonna cut it. Any women can do that , it takes a real women to take care of her baby." I said and walk out to my room.

My sister may be 19 and officially grown , but she dumb as hell. Gonna lay down and make a baby but cry cause they baby make to much noise and aggravates her. Hell she aggravates me and im not saying shit. If i could adopt John i will , but hell I knew that wasn't gonna happen. I call the only person i could vent to , they had an answer to everything. Gem.

Crave'em(COMPLETE) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now