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I was surprise as hell when Sid of all people ask me do i wanna hang out. I guess Blu was wrong about her. I was sitting at the bar while Sid was staring out of space.

"You alright?" I ask her.
She turn around and look at me she had a worry look on her face.

"No , actually I dont know." She rub her face.
"Whats up? Whats going on?" I said concern.
Even though I may not talk to her on daily basis doesnt mean I didn't care.

"I think I'm sick." She said.
"Sick how?" I ask.
"I don't know." She said.
"Hell you look perfectly find to me." I shrug.
"I know but my body acting weird as fuck." She said.
"You burning?" I whisper so no one at the bar could hear.
"Hell no , I ain't fucking burning dont try to fucking play me , dawg." She shout causing a couple of stares to come our way.
"Sorry." I blush in embarrassment.
"Look I ain't mean to yell , but shit I'm too fucking aggravated right now , it don't make sense." She layed her head on the sticky bar.

"I understand , describe what's going on." I told her.
I wasn't no doctor but I knew symptoms like I knew the back of my hand.

"I'm bloating , my lower abdomen hurt , ny breast so fucking sore I mean I can barely put on a bra , and I'm fucking moody." She said.

"Your pregnant." I said.
I was wondering why her skin been glowing , hell i was gonna ask her what type of body oil she been using. But hell no need now.

"No I'm not." She said turning up her face.
"When last time you had sex? Hell when last time you had unprotected sex." I question.

"I don't slip up. Im the motherfucking queen of condoms." She stated.
"Must be not." I mumbled.
"I mean I had sex at the club with Wayne but I think he pull out." She squint his eyes.
"Wayne?" I question.
Hell I barely hear her talk about anybody but her self.
"Yeah , some dude I met at the club." She said.
"And you gave it up the first day?" I said in disbelief.
"I was caught up in the moment. No need to judge." She said rolling her eyes.
Hoes excuse is always im caught up in the moment no bitch you was young hot and ready like Little Caesars pizza.

"Where he at not?" I ask.
"Home , I mean I still fucks with him." She said.
"So what you gonna do?" I ask.
"I dont know really , hell I'm not gonna decide nothing til I find out." She said.
"You know you gonna eventually have to stop robbing , right?" I told her.
"I know , but I'm not plan on telling no body. Lets keep this between us , ok?" She said looking at me.
"I gotcha , when you gonna take the test?"
"I'll do it some time this week , but hell I just wanna forget about it." She said.

I had to bite my tongue for saying what I wanted to say. She was acting like my sister. These women will spread open their legs , then cry why me when they end up pregnant. It don't make sense. They need to be on their grown women shit and handle their responsibility. But hell who am I to judge.

"That's gonna be hard." I told her.
"Oh yeah? What makes you say that."
"No reason , but hell if you is pregnant you gonna start showing. And will you be telling Wayne?" I ask.
"I mean yeah , but not now. I just need to think things through. Cause this gonna be a damp on my hustle , feel me?"
I nodded but didn't agree.
"Why you quiet all the time?" She ask.
"I just hold in my opinion , I don't need trouble." I shrug.
"Thats not good."
"A silent mind is a golden mind. If I'm quiet then its hard to figure me out. Maybe I like being unreadable." I smile.
"Well yeah that is true , but hell don't let people push you over." She said.
"Its cool really , I'm use to people taking advantage of my kindness. But I do got a backbone." I told her.
"Yeah I mean look at you , you rob niggas hell. If you good enough to hang with Gem , you good enough to fuck with me." She said dapping me up.

All I could do is laugh , I guess Blu was wrong for judging her.

Crave'em(COMPLETE) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now