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"Fuck wrong with you?" I ask Sid.
Hell her ass was moping around like a sick old person.
"Nothing , but wassup?" She said.
"Remember Eric?" I ask her.
"Talking about Wayne friend?" She ask.
"What bout him?" She ask
"So i went to his house , and like i saw this picture of a boy. The same boy i kill." I said.

"Whaaaaat?" Sid said.
"Bitch calm down , he doesnt know bout me." I said.
"Hell you gonna tell him?" She ask.

I look at this bitch like she was stupid , fuck i look like? I aint no dumb bitch.

"Hell no , the fuck?" I said flatly.
"I worries about you , but you still gonna do me that favor?" She ask.
"We might as well go today , hell i found the perfect spot." I told her.

I was scoping out this one guys lately. This nigga got stacks of paper. And im not just talking bout one or two , hell he had at least five. But thats fucking drug money so i know niggas guarding that shit hard.

"Way at?" She ask.
"Downtown." I sakd.
"Bitch i hope you aint talking about drug money." She said.
"Yeah? And? I dont see the fucking problem." I said rolling my eyes.
"The problem is drug money is fucking dead money. You know niggas probably watching that shit like a hawk. That gonna be hella hard to get." She said.

"Its not hard if we dont make it hard , plus i got a plan." I said.
"Which is?" She ask.
"The guy in the house goes out back to check on his plants. We just gotta wait til he check on his plants. I want you to be the look out , if he goes back in the house knock on the door and distract him while i search for the money. If its in a safe imma sneak up behind him and do what i do best. But one mistake we can lose our fucking life." I told het.
"Or go to jail." She said.
"Im not worry about jail , im worry about my life." I said putting on my combat boots.

"Here." I said tossing her the gun.
"Bitch ion fucking kill." Sid whine.
"It aint got no bullets in it." I lied.

I did left two bullet in there , just in case but she didnt have to know that.

"Fuck I'm suppose to do with a empty ass gun." She ask.
"Use it as a front. He aint gotta know aint no bullets in there. So dont be looking scared either. If it comes to that raise that shit up at his head and look the motherfucker in the eye to let him know you're serious about killing his ass." I said.

"What if he got a gun , himself." She ask.
"Dont worry bout the what-ifs worry about you will. Just remember i got your back and you got mines , now change out." I said.

I quickly strip down to my clothes under clothes. I throwed my heavy set pants on and put two of my knifes in my lower pocket and strap another gun around my long sleeve shirt.
"Bitch you gonna be buring up." Sid told me.
"I rather be hot than die , you need anything else?" I ask her.
"Nah , i think im good." She said placing the gun in her boot.
"Think or know? This is important." I told her.
"I know , I know. No screw up." She said urging me out the door.

When we got in the car i sped off.
"Why you look like you bouta throw up you nervous or something?" I said looking at her.
"Nah , I'm good." She said.
"Aight , dont be a flam." O said.
"Have I ever?" She smile.
"True that." I said.
After the twenty minute drive we finally pull up to the house.
"This shit look like it got hella people in there." Sid said.
"It dont , it just a front. I was watching this house for a week so i would know." I assure her.
"Word." She nodded.
"Thats him." She pointed.
I look out and saw him going in the back doing his regular rounds.

"Yeah , remember the plan no fuck up Sid. I swear you my best friend but if i lose my fucking life imma hate your ass." I said.
"Bitch be gone , i got this." She said.
"I hope so." I said before opening the car door.

I hurried up and ran across the street and into his house.
"Damn." I mumble seeing how nice the shit was.
I look all on the first floor for the bed room and didn't find it. Most dealers keep their shit in their room cause they know a nigga wouldnt dare run up.

I creep up the stairs and saw a crack door. I peek in and this nigga had two naked nasty ass bitches on kiss bed tongue kissing and feeling up on each other.
"Shit." I mumble putting a silencer on my gun.
I didnt wanna have to kill two bitches just a nigga , but hell if something get in between my money it gotta go.

I kick open the door and they sprout up.
"What the fuck." One girl jump on the bed naked while the other girl tried to cover up her naked body on the floor.
"Don't fucking move." I said walking in.
"Pl-lllease let us live." One girl stuttered.
"Shut the fuck up , im just here for one thing." I said calmly.
The bitch one the floor must didnt thought i seen her ass searching around for some thing.
"What the fuck." The girl on the bed scream when her friend brains splatter on the wall.
"Whats your name?" I ask walking closer to her.
"Amy , please don't hurt me." She said as tears ran down her face.
"If you do some sneak shit like your friend , you will fucking join her." I pressed.
"I won't." She sniffed.
"Good , now do you know where this motherfucker keep his safe?" I ask still holding out my gun.
"Down there." She pointed at a rug.
"Get up." I said.
She remain still so I grab ahold of her weave and drag her ass off the bed.
"Bitch I said I didn't wanna fucking hurt your ass. When I say move fucking move. Do i make my self clear?" I fuss.
Hell i wasnt trying to make a big scene and I didn't know how long Sid could hold a fucking conversation. Shit she probably was down there sucking dick or some shit.

"Yess." She cried.
"Get the money." I said.
I watch as she lift up the antique rug and pull back some boards.
This nigga must had a soft spot on his floor on something.
"Thats it?" I ask as she pull out four bags.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"Open one bag up." I said not trusting her.
When she open the bag my mouth immediately drool.
"Toss em here." I said holding out my hand.
She toss the bag one by one and hand them to me. I tied both of them together and grab them.
"Good look , but you seen too much." I said before killing her right on the spot.
I quickly grab the white sheets off the bed and cover both girls up. I aint wanna be fucking staring at these bitches bodies. I went by the door and heard sounds. I knew it was Sid loud ass mouth cause she had a fuck up laugh.
I quicky text her phone to let her know I was down.
I was at the top of the stairs and saw Sid flirting and the man grabbing her ass. He was too busy thinking about the pussy he thought he was getting from Sid he didn't even get a change to react as i shot him in his back.
"Stand back." I told Sid as i step over his body.
"How the fuck you do that?" She ask as i shot him two times in his mouth for good measure.
"Its easy and simple , not lets get the fuck outta here before 12 come up in this bitch." I said running across the street in the car.

I left the scene making it look like a drug deal gone bad. And that what is was going to be , except I didnt get the drugs. I dont need the drugs.

Crave'em(COMPLETE) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now