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"Im pregnant." I breathe.
I took about twelve pregnancy test and all came out positive. Out of all people why me. Damn. How the fuck I slip up and let a nigga nut inside me and knock me up. A nigga that don't even got a label on him. All it is between us is sex. Mind blowing , everlasting sex. Dick will make you lose your mind.

I stare at my bedroom ceiling as tears leak out of my eyes. I didn't know why I was crying , I guess it was these fucking hormones. The signs were all there but me being selfish , I ignore all of them. I can't be pregnant , I got a whole lot to live for. This baby is going to put a hold on my life. What will Wayne say? Will he even care? Will he walk away , from an atom he made? Or stay and be a father. Million of questions were running through my head. I didnt even know if I could be a good mother. Part of me wanted to run away and never tell him , and the other half of me wanted to tell him and plead with him. But I will never beg a nigga to stay in his child life.

I knew I had a choice to make the right choice. My breath was caught up in my throat as I waited for the phone to ring.

"Hello." His deep husky voice answer.
"Hey." I said softly.
"Wassup ma?" He ask.
"We need to talk." I said.
"Now?" He ask.
"Yeah it's important." I pressed.
"Can you tell me over the phone , I'm at my mom's house right now." He said.
"Im pregnant." I blurt out.
I wanted to tell him face to face but I couldn't hold it in.
"You what?" He ask confused.
"Im pregnant." I rolled my eyes.
"And it's mines?" He ask.
I was about to curse him the fuck out til I caught myself.
"Yes it is yours Wayne." I said dryly.
"You sure?"
"Im fucking postive. Dont play me like some type of fucking whore nigga." I shout.
This nigga got me fucking bent , must thoughts i would pin a baby on him. I ain't like these other women who will call any nigga their baby daddy , that aint even cute.

"Shit I'm just saying , you did give up the pussy on the first night. Hell you didn't even know a nigga last name." He said.
I instantly felt shame. He just call me easy , I guess if the shoe fit wear it.

"You know what Wayne , I don't give a damn. Your ass fuck me raw dog and dont wanna take up for your responsibility. Its cool , when you see another nigga round your child don't fucking catch an attitude with me , cause that's your fault. I dont need no fucking nigga , I can handle my own." I told him.
"I hear you ma , so you really keeping this thing?" He ask.
"Thing? This things is a baby. Our baby. Matter fact my baby , since your low life ass don't wanna claim it. And yes the hell I am keeping this baby. Fuck imma dead it for. That's some dumb shit right there. You done lost your mind." I yelled.
"You need to calm that yelling down , for real. I don't wanna talk about this. If you wanna keep it go ahead and be wonder woman that's your fucking body , Sid. Dont come fucking crying to me when you finally decide caring that baby was a big mistake. I don't have time for a child right now. If you want an abortion I will be more and happy to give you the money to get that shit done." He told me.

My mouth drop open this nigga was something else. He was too fucking ruthless.

"Fuck you Wayne , fuck you and your got damn dick. I hope that shit fall right off! I'm not having an fucking abortion , so you can dead that. You a coward ass nigga , fuck that you a bitch nigga. I don't want your money and I not fucking getting an abortion. If that's how you wanna be so be it. Im not gonna beg you to be a part of your child's life. You do you." I sniffle.

There was a pause on the phone then he finally reply.
"Word." He said.
"Bye." I hung up.
I couldn't believe this nigga had tha audacity to tell me to get an abortion. Someone should abort his ass. He was fucking stupid and cruel. Niggas like him you find every day , they aint shit.

Crave'em(COMPLETE) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now