Part 49: Ellaa!

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As the days drew closer to my 18th birthday, a sense of unease settled over me. I had always looked forward to this milestone, imagining a joyous celebration surrounded by loved ones. But now, with my memory loss casting a shadow over everything, the excitement I once felt had evaporated.

Each passing day only served to heighten my anxiety. The prospect of celebrating a birthday without remembering half the people who would be there filled me with dread. How could I enjoy myself when I felt like a stranger in my own life?

I tried to rationalize my feelings, reminding myself that everything happened for a reason. Perhaps this was just a test from Allah, a challenge meant to strengthen my faith and resilience. But it was hard to find comfort in that thought when all I felt was confusion and loneliness.

I confided in my friends about my apprehensions, and they offered words of reassurance and support. They assured me that they would be there every step of the way, guiding me through the celebrations and helping me reconnect with the people I had forgotten.

"It's natural to feel anxious, Layla," Iqra said, her voice gentle as she reached out to squeeze my hand. "But remember, your birthday is about celebrating you, not just the memories you've lost."

Shifa nodded in agreement, her expression filled with empathy. "We'll make sure you feel loved and cherished, no matter what," she promised, her eyes brimming with sincerity.

Their words offered some solace, but the nagging doubts lingered in the back of my mind. Would I be able to truly enjoy my birthday without the memories that had once shaped me? Could I find happiness amid so much uncertainty?

As the day of my birthday drew nearer, I found myself grappling with conflicting emotions. Part of me longed to embrace the festivities and immerse myself in the joy of the occasion. But another part of me couldn't shake the feeling of sadness and loss that weighed heavily on my heart.

In the end, I made a conscious decision to approach my birthday with an open heart and a willingness to embrace whatever came my way. I may not remember the past, but I could still create new memories and forge connections with the people around me.

With a sigh, I closed the book and set it down on my nightstand. Reading had always been my escape, my refuge from the chaos and confusion of the world around me. But lately, even diving into the pages of my favourite novels couldn't chase away the nagging sense of unease that plagued me.

I had just finished "Twisted Love" by Ana Huang, and while the romantic escapades of Ava and Alex had provided a welcome distraction, they hadn't been enough to ease the gnawing worry in the back of my mind.
Still, I couldn't help but smile at the thought of their epic love story, even as I reached for the next book in the series, "Twisted Games."

As I settled back onto my bed and cracked open the book, my phone suddenly rang, jolting me out of my literary reverie. Glancing at the screen, I saw that the call was from an unknown number, and my heart skipped a beat. Could it be the stalker again, taunting me with their sinister messages? Or was it just a wrong number, a harmless mistake?

Taking a deep breath, I hesitated for a moment before deciding to answer the call. "Hello?" I said tentatively, my voice betraying my nerves.

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