Framed by Qi Chami (plot)

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Framed by Qi Chami (plot)


The appearance of the central base is very old, with abandoned mechanical parts everywhere. The walls and iron sheets are eaten by grass and vines. Only the road leading to the gate has the smell of living people.

Everything here is very different from what Qi Zi remembered. The once heavily guarded base has turned into a plant paradise. Only one third of the wide square is now open space.

Qi Zi has loved watching the Discovery Channel since he was a child. The program always shows Alpha warriors performing survival challenges on a simulated training planet, fighting with outer space creatures, and doing other awesome training. Among them was Planet No. 18, which he remembered fondly, because this planet had the largest number of space beasts in captivity due to its climate.

Planet No. 18 is very old. Last year, the federal government issued a renovation and maintenance order. All the equipment and facilities here need to be rebuilt, so there are no people on this planet.

It's been a long time since the Alpha soldiers came. It has been unmaintained for two years and the plants are growing wildly. Qi Zi stood at the entrance of the base and looked around. The dense tropical rainforest rolled up and down on the mountains, forming a misty green sea. If you ignore the Gray building, he is now in the primeval forest.

There was no one guarding the gate of the base. Qi Zi pulled his coat to cover his stomach. When he walked in, he saw a sign that the professor had placed in advance.

Follow the direction to the inner hall, which is eerily quiet. The professor is willing to take them here for practical learning classes for many reasons. Such a trip not only learns knowledge, but also avoids conflict with the training of military soldiers, and no tickets are required. , federal government authorization, and rental equipment and many other expenses.

He has never seen such a stingy professor. It doesn't cost much to go to Planet Seventeen. Can the safety of students really be guaranteed in this place where there are no staff?

However, the education system in this world is different from that in his previous life. Even if he is dissatisfied, he can only hold it in.

The teachers and professors of the school teach independently and receive a large amount of education fees every year. They have the final say on how to teach, as long as they can ensure that the students' professional performance reaches the level required by the First College.

There were signboards here and there, but the placement wasn't chosen right. Qi Zi got sidetracked once and went around before finding the professor.

The old man who taught them the cosmic knowledge course was in his sixties and liked heavy makeup. Qi Zi felt awkward every time she looked at him. She asked herself countless times, why does a male Omega want a woman's heavy makeup?

"Classmate Qi, why are you here!" the old professor said angrily: "Your roommate Qi Chami called you several times, but you didn't get up. Do you want to skip my class?"

Qi Zi had a question mark on his face, Qi Chami called him? Skipping class? After what they had experienced last night, how could Qi Chami wake herself up.

"I was not late for the professor, I just missed the school's spaceship." Qi Zi grabbed the loophole and said: "And the bedroom walls and sleeping bed are soundproof, how could my roommate wake me up."

This sentence made the professor speechless. The sides of his big red lips dropped slightly. He waved his hand and told him to go to the locker room over there: "I'll let you go this time. They just entered. You should go in and change into protective clothing." Come on, you have to be punctual in class from now on, you know?”

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