Pete Imagine #2 Breakfast In Bed

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The sound of a pot crashing on to the kitchen's tiled floor scared you half to death, making you bolt up in bed. You turned to your side, and of course, Pete wasn't in bed. With a sigh, you pulled yourself out of bed, going to see what he was up to.

As soon as you started down the stairs, the smell of smoke filled your nostrils. When you laid your eyes on your boyfriend, you couldn't help but laugh. He stood at the stove, trying to flip an obviously burned pancake, that was sticking to the frying pan. His whole body, along with the rest of the kitchen, was covered from top to bottom in sticky pancake batter.

"Pete, what are you doing?" You giggled, wrapping your arms around his waist, and standing on your tippy-toes, so your chin was resting on his shoulder. That's what he always did when you were cooking.

"Aw, babe, did I wake you up?" He asked, turning around and pulling you into his chest.

"Slightly," you admitted. "Are you going to tell me what you're doing, or not?"

"I'm making you breakfast," he explained. "It was going to be breakfast in bed, but somebody ruined that," he glared at you.

"Alright, alright, I'm going, but please try not to ruin the kitchen more than you already have."

"I'll do my best," he grinned, shooing you back up the stairs

You flipped back into bed, praying that Pete wouldn't burn your house down. You grabbed your book from the bedside table, hoping that reading would help take your mind off the possibility of your house going down in flames. About half an hour later, he comes into the bedroom, holding a plate.

"For you, my love," he smiled proudly, putting the plate down on your lap. He kissed your forehead, before gently sitting down next to you.

On the platter sits a stack of black pancakes, that are drowning in syrup. Next to that sits a cup of coffee with obviously too much creamer, and a sloppily cut orange.

"Pete, this is so thoughtful. I... uh... I don't think pancakes are supposed to be this color though," you said, trying not to hurt his feelings.

"No, it's okay. They're chocolate chip," he explains.

"Oh... okay," you nod, pretending that it made sense. You cut a small piece off the stack, and take a hesitant bite. Honestly, it's the worst thing you have ever tasted, but you swallow it just for him.

"You don't like it," he said, disappointed flooding his face.

"No, baby, it's amazing."

"You don't have to lie to me, (Y/N). You can tell me if it's terrible."

"Okay, maybe it's not IHOP, but you wanting to cook for me, hell, you wanting to do anything for me makes my day. I really do appreciate it."

"Thanks," he grins, pecking your lips. "You know... IHOP really does sound good right now."

"You should probably shower first, pancake-boy."

"Yeah, yeah," he laughs. "You're not too clean yourself, missy."

"How in the world did I get pancake batter in my hair?"

"That's what you get for hugging pancake-boy."

Hey! I hope you guys had an amazing weekend! Too bad it's Monday, but hey, at least take the summer.

A little update on my life:
I went on and ordered a Fall Out Boy SnapBack and a Panic! At The Disco case for my iPod, but. It's going to take a month to get here.

Want to hear a fun fact? I want to have the same amount of merch for both P!ATD and FOB, because they're like my children, and you gotta love your children equally.

I'm rambling. Goodbye for now, and thanks for reading!

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