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After all the shìt that I found out about Alec and Max, I was hanging onto the last bit of normalcy in my crazy life, Miguel.

I had a day off from work today because they were filming on location and I was not about to drive to Canada to make someone look dead, thanks but no thanks.

Miguel was way overdue on some well deserved pampering, so I decided to have a mommy and me day with my dear pet. We went to the dog park and I let him play around for a good hour or two while I promoted my services and booked clients, afterwards, we went shopping and I got a crap ton of clothing that I didn't need (they were so cute though, I couldn't resist), then I took him to a dog spa to have him groomed and cared for while I got a massage and facial. Now, we were headed to my favorite coffee shop. Whenever I went now, I'd look around and stay a little longer that usual, hoping I'd run into Tristan again.

I would call myself pathetic, but I'm not. He was just gorgeous, I wanted to stare at him again. Its not like I was looking for a relationship or anything, I basically just got out of one and my heart wasn't quite ready just yet, but as long as my eyes were working, I'd let myself enjoy the beauty of others.

Today I was lucky, because there he sat in the coffee shop, concentrating on the papers in front of him. I just wanted to put him in a frame in some art museum so everyone could have the chance to admire that masterpiece.

I ordered my usual and walked over to his table with Miguel in hand, thankfully, the cafe was pet friendly for the most part.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked.

"I do actually, I'm waiting on--" He stopped in his tracks when he looked up, "actually, never mind, you can sit."

I had that type of effect on people. It was nice.

"Aww, that's cute, you were waiting on me." I smiled, while tying Miguel's leash to the chair leg.

He snorted without looking up, "Don't flatter yourself."

Too bad that's all I do.

I watched him for a moment, he was crossing something out and writing something else above it. His concentration in such a simple task was ridiculous but admirable.

"You are either gunning for a promotion or just plain crazy." I said.

"Guess I'm crazy then."

Another reason I'm thankful I chose to be a makeup artist. I don't have a whole bunch of paperwork and other boring stuff to do.

"Do you even have time for fun or your friends?"

"Sure, when I make time."

"Your girlfriend is fine with you working all the time?"

The most subtle way of asking someone if they're with someone. It works most of the time, unless they're a fúçkboy and lie about it.

"I guess that's why I don't have one. I normally don't work this much but I just moved here and I'm working in getting my real estate license."

"Oh that's cool. You should totally try to get on million dollar listing, if that's the kind of real estate person you are."

As a lover of reality tv, that show is no exception.

"Noted. So what do you do? Can I call you Tina?" He questioned, looking up at me.

Never. I never liked the name Tina, no disrespect to all the Tina's out there; I just see myself as a Tina.

"No you can't. Most people just call me Val or Valentina."

"Well I'm not everyone, but what's your occupation again? I think I missed it."

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