Wanna get clean~Rafe

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A/n: requested by meeeegano

(I wrote this in like 20 mins so please don't mind if its not the best haha)


From the beginning of my relationship with Rafe I knew he had a problem with drugs. I knew it was bad but recently it had been getting much worse, with him high half the week, and I was so scared for him.

I knew it was an addiction and it wasn't his fault but I really needed him to stop before something bad happens to him.

So we talked, and we talked and after a lot of convincing he agreed to try and stop the coke. I knew he wanted to get clean as well, he always had it was just hard for him as he was pretty addicted.

I made him promise me to not go to where people are doing drugs at parties, stop going to barry and call me right away if he thinks he can't do it. And I knew this was a big jump and he couldn't just limit everything so if he really wanted to do something drug related he could just smoke some weed.

We made this promise 14 days ago, and yes it had been really hard for him but he was doing super good and I was so proud of him.

I wanted to surprise him for doing so well so I made his favourite cookies and packed them in a little plastic container before beginning to walk to his house.

It was a beautiful day and I needed to get out anyway.

After around 10 minutes I had made it to the Cameron household and knocked on the front door.

Rose opened the door with a smile. "Hi hunny." She greeted me, with a side hug. "Hi Rose!" I said.

"Here to see Rafe?" She asked. I nodded my head. "Yes, I am" I said.

"He should be up in his room." She smiled, I thanked her before walking up the stairs.

As I got closer to his room, I began to hear music coming from it, and then voices. I assumed his friends were likely over and immediately regretted not calling.

I stood outside his bedroom, debating whether to knock, or just go home. Shit.

I'll just knock and say hi, give him the cookies and then go.

So I knocked on the bedroom door. "We're busy!" Rafe yelled. "It's Y/n!" I said.

I heard shuffling on the other side of the door before it opened, Rafe smiling at me while Kelce and Topper were in the room.

"Hey, baby what's up? Were we supposed to hangout today, Im sorry I forgot." He said.

"No I just wanted to-I... Rafe are you high?" I said, seeing his dilated pupils and the redness in his eyes. "J-Just weed." He said.

"Rafe don't lie to me." I said, now looking closer and seeing the white powder near his nostrils. "I'm not! The over there is for Kelce and Top Ive been sticking to weed." He said.

"Rafe I think your nose blew your cover, maybe look in the damn mirror!" I said.

"Okay, okay, Y/n relax. So what I had a little coke with my friends, got my mind off shit?!" He said.

"So what?! Rafe I made you freaking cookies because I was so proud of you! Have you been lying to me this whole time?!" I said.

"Y/n, its not even a big deal, calm down." He said.

Kelce let out a little, "Bro's cooked" and laughed with Topper, trying to be quiet but I heard them and so did Rafe.

"Shut the fuck up Kelce, it's really not funny!" I said. "Y/n, fuck baby calm down" Rafe also let out a chuckle making me raise my eye brows. "You're joking? You have been lying to me about getting clean and your laughing? Jesus Rafe, grow a pair!" I yelled leaving the door and slamming his door, leaving the house.

I began to walk home and ended up eating half the bin of cookies on my way.


When I got home I didn't do much before once it got late I had dinner and took a shower. I didn't have anything to do that night so I wasted some time by shaving, and doing a face mask. By 10:00pm I was in my bed and on FaceTime with my friend Gia.

We had been talking for almost an hour when I heard a tap on my window. I immediately knew it was Rafe and sighed. "Gi, I think Rafes here.. tapping on my window." I said. "Oh shit.. call me later." She said. "Okay, bye." I smiled before hanging up.

I walked over to the window and opened it, letting Rafe climb in. He looked sober but I hope he actually is and the drugs have worn off.

"What do you want Rafe?" I said. "Um.. I want to apologize. Y/n m'really sorry for acting like it wasn't a big deal and mostly for lying to you. I just-I knew how much it meant to you that I got clean and I didn't wanna disappointed you so I pretended." He said.

"I- I don't even really care how you did the coke I care more about why you lied to me? Rafe I wouldn't of been mad if you would just tell me the truth, I know its not easy to stop an addiction I wanted to help you! I-I really don't want anything bad to happen to you, I love you and can't have anything bad happen." I said.

"Im sorry Y/n, I love you and I should of let you help me, okay, Im ganna try again and this time I promise I truly  on my life am really going to try. I seriously wanna get clean" He said

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he leaned down, his arms wrapping around my waist as our lips pressed against each others.

"I gave the last bit I had to Kelce, and already called Barry, told him I got a problem and I need him to stop sellin' to me." He spoke as we pulled away. "I'm so proud of you baby." I smiled.

"Do you still want the cookies? I..I ate half the bin on my walk home but there's still some left.." I said. "Hell yeah, I want the cookies." He laughed, making me smile as I walked downstairs to grab them.

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