What If AU: Bad Weather

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[Noah/Ennard x Michelle A.]


Around June, 1980.

The weather hadn't been great lately, typical of the UK.

Michelle looked around the school yard boredly, waiting for the rain to stop. Detention from her teacher made her have to stay at school longer, she had to clean the entire bathroom, damn old fart. She groaned in annoyance and leaned back against the pillar of the building, lips pursed and blue eyes sharpening. She should've obeyed Papa's words to bring an umbrella today.


"Get lost, Mark." Michelle groaned again in exasperation as she waved her hand without looking at the boy who spoke.

"Pardon ...?"

Wait, that didn't sound like her friend's voice.

The girl quickly turned her head, her face flushed completely, realizing that the person who called her was someone she didn't know at all. The guy seemed two years older than her, had blonde hair with white strands and a pair of charming red eyes. She had never seen him at school at all, was he a new student?

"Oh, sorry." Michelle tucked her brown hair back nervously. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Yeah, do you know where the principal's office is?"

She nodded, her shoulders began to slump and Michelle tried to act as relaxed as ever. "I'll take you," she offered, gesturing for the guy to follow her but the senior—it seemed like he was indeed her senior— shook his head.

"No need, just tell me."

Michelle let out a small huff and pointed to the school corridor behind her. "Just go straight then turn right, second room after the cleaning equipment warehouse."

The blondie nodded. "Thanks," he said, starting to walk away. Michelle remained in place while folding her arms in front of her chest, leaning her body back against the pillar of the building even though her eyes were watching the guy's departure. Although, she raised her eyebrows when she saw her senior suddenly stop walking and turn around, stepping towards her again so she straightened up to find out what he wanted. "Here."

Michelle glanced at the lad's outstretched hand, holding out a black umbrella. "Oh, for what?"

"It's raining, use this to go home." The guy shoved the umbrella forcefully at her, making her catch the umbrella frantically so it wouldn't fall. Without waiting for her reply at all, he left her alone to go to the principal's office.

At least that was enough to make Michelle a little stunned, she froze in place with her eyes glued to the guy's back until his figure disappeared.

"Trisha! Hey, why aren't you home yet?"

The answer made her look in the opposite direction, a dark-skinned guy approached her with a wide grin on his face. "I just finished my detention, what about you?" Michelle put the umbrella next to her.

"Same." Simon stopped in front of her and grinned. "We should hide that old fart's bag sometime."

"Oh count me in immediately."

They both laughed for a while, of course she and her three friends were both punished by the same teacher for their mischief, but of course that didn't become a barrier to the mess they would create in the future. Simon stopped laughing and stared at the school yard which was still soaked by heavy rain. "You didn't bring an umbrella? Do you want to get rain together?"

"Ah, no," Michelle refused. "Papa will ground me if I get caught in the rain again."

"Well, no fun. Then how are you going to get home?"

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