The Newtopia Scavenger Hunt

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That night would be the last that they spend in the fwagon for a long time. In the morning, Marcy had taken them all out to a diner for food.

Marcy: Enjoy, everyone! This place makes the best beetle burger in all of Newtopia!

They all dug into their bug burgers, handing
Y/N all their unwanted salad in the process while Marcy drew in her journal.

Polly: What's that?

Marcy: Oh, just my journal. I like jottin' down theories and observations. You know, all about indigenous fauna, medicinal techniques, customs and nuances of Amphibious species-based caste systems... Sometimes I even do drawings.

She shows Polly her journal and a sketch of Polly eating her burger.

Polly: It looks just like me.

Y/N: Thats cool! Have you drawn me yet?

Marcy: You? Drawn ... you? Hah! Nope! What's drawing? I don't even have arms!

She threw her journal away with her very existent arms and slowly arose and ran over it to pick it back up again.

Hop Pop: Wow! Anne, have you been keeping a journal too?

Anne turns to them with two stars up her nose.

Anne: Look, guys! I'm a straw-lrus! Like a walrus, but with straws!

Sprig: Hahaha! What's a walrus?

The server came to the table as they were finished with a clipboard.

Server: Now, who should I give the bill to?

He glanced at Anne who had the straws up her nose.

Server: Probably not you.

Marcy: Oh! I'll take it! It's, oh, let me guess... 28 coppers?

He spun the clipboard around and showed a 28 copper bill.

Server: Right you are.

The others oohed at Marcy's brilliance.

Hop Pop: Wow! Can you do math like that too, Anne?

Anne: Uh, you mean like with numbers and stuff?

Polly: Can you imagine if Marcy got stuck with us instead of Anne? We'd be set for life!

Y/N: Hey! Numbers are hard, ok! Give Anne some slack.

Hop Pop: Hush, Polly. Think those thoughts, don't say them.

Anne: Oh, yeah? Well... Look out!

An arrow was shot towards them which narrowly missed their heads.

Hop Pop: Someone's trying to kill us!

Marcy: No, no. It's fine. It's just a message from the king. Oh, correction. It's a puzzle-gram from the king.

She unrolled a piece of paper on the arrow and showed it to the group. There was a tree and two eye symbols, a dragonfly with a compass pointing west, and an M with some sort of radioavtive symbol beneath it.

All: What?

Marcy: He's basically hidden clues around the city and when I collect them all, I get a message. Ah! It's so fun! Okay, this first symbol is a tree, so we should head towards Coral Park. Now come on, team. It's puzzle time!

Sprig: A puzzle tour of Newtopia? Count me in!

Y/N: Anything to spend more time with ... my ... beloved family.

They cheered and began to run off.

Hop Pop: Come on, Polly! This may be our most exciting adventure yet!

Bugs, Boys and Boxes (Amphibia x Male reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat