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Angelo's POV:

Oh, for the love of all that's chaotic, I royally screwed up. Again. Why do I have this uncanny knack for turning everything to shit?

"Seriously, people? I told you to trust her! The girl's been through hell already, don't make it worse for her!" Nic barked, flinging the cushion across the room in a fit of fury.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I cut in before anyone else had the chance.

"It means, mind your own goddamn business, Angelo. Why the hell are you even following her?" He snarled, stepping so close I could feel the heat of his anger. "You're lucky, you sorry piece of crap. If you weren't already beaten to a pulp, I'd be the one knocking your teeth out right now." With that, he shoved me hard, causing a jolt of pain to shoot through my arm in its cast.

I stood there, feeling like an idiot, nursing my throbbing arm and wondering why I couldn't stop screwing things up. It was just another day in my spectacularly messed-up life.

"Why are you so damn obsessed with painting our sister as a traitor, for crying out loud?" Armano, my twin, clicked his tongue in utter disappointment, his eyes drilling holes into my soul.

"Seriously, what's your deal? She's your sister too, remember? The same one you used to bawl your eyes out for if she ignored you for even a second. What the hell happened?" Vincenzo chimed in, piling on and making it sound like I was the root of all evil.

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I don't trust her, okay? I just don't. And stop dumping all the blame on me. If you all trusted her so damn much, you wouldn't give a rat's ass about what I said. So don't you dare make me your scapegoat to dodge your own guilt." I fired back, my anger flaring up like a wildfire, my patience long gone.

I glared at them, my frustration boiling over. It felt like I was being ganged up on, every accusation like a punch to the gut. Family, huh? Sometimes they really knew how to twist the knife.

"I have had it with you," Dante cut in, his voice like ice. Always the Capo, never just a brother, he finally decided to lay down the law.

"Angelo, I gave you time, asked you to get your act together. I don't know what your deal is, but this is the last time something like this happens. You don't want to screw things up with her more than you already have. Trust me, she's not the forgiving type." His tone was firm, carrying an unmistakable warning, but damn it, he was right.

"And listen, if you want to talk, you can. Call me anytime, I'll sit and listen. Okay, brother? We're family, and we need to stick together. Clear?"

Alright, maybe I was wrong. Sometimes, he does act like a brother.

"Clear," I replied with a heavy sigh, feeling the weight of the night settle even deeper.

"Alright, everyone, let's get some sleep. It's already past 4 in the morning. No point in wasting more time. Angelo, you think long and hard and make up with your sister in the morning. That's an order," Dante declared, his voice brooking no argument, before heading to his room.

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