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Siddharth's pov!

Sitting in the hospital lounge, I couldn't stop my mind from racing.

The sterile smell of antiseptics and the faint hum of the hospital machinery surrounded me, but all I could think about was Nidhi. The image of her lying hurt and helpless flashed in my mind repeatedly, each time sending a jolt of fear through me.

I love going on motorcycle rides. My Harley Davidson is more than just a bike; it's my escape, my sanctuary. The roar of the engine, the wind against my face— it clears my head in a way nothing else can. But with my busy work schedule, I rarely get the luxury to indulge in that freedom.

After the argument with Nidhi at the temple yesterday, I was agitated and lost. I couldn't focus on anything. Her words had cut deep, making me question everything about myself. I needed a ride to clear my head, to feel the simplicity of the road beneath me.

So, I set aside my work and took out my Harley. The ride was long, and it did help, but as I rode, I realised that what I needed more than anything else was to see Nidhi. I found myself taking a detour towards her home, an almost unconscious decision. In hindsight, it was the best decision I could have made. I shudder to think what would have happened if I hadn't gone that way.

The sight that met my eyes still gives me chills. Seeing those goons attacking Nidhi, my blood boiled with a rage I didn't know I possessed. When that thug pushed her and she hit her head, it felt like my heart stopped beating.

For the first time in my life, I thought from my father's perspective. All these years, I had accused him of giving up on us when Mama passed away. But now, I understand. Seeing Nidhi hurt, I felt a fear and pain so deep that I thought I might die from it.

The doctor's voice brought me back to the present.

"How is she?" I asked, my voice barely steady.

"She will be fine," the doctor assured me. "A few stitches, but nothing serious. She just needs rest. We will keep her under observation for the night. Inform her family too."

I nodded, relief washing over me. I quickly dialled Laksh's number and informed him about the incident, asking him to inform her family as well. Then, I walked into the VIP room where Nidhi was admitted. She was lying awake on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Nidhi..." I called out gently, taking her hand in mine.

She stared at me blankly, her eyes devoid of emotion.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked softly, wanting so badly to take her palms to my lips and kiss them. But I refrained, knowing she wouldn't appreciate it.

"Was it one of your game plans, Mr. Raichand? Playing Knight in Shining Armour when nothing else seemed to work?" She asked, her voice cold and accusatory.

Her words horrified me. It felt as if she had taken a knife and stabbed me square in the heart.

"I know I haven't given you any reasons to trust me, Nidhi. But I love you, and I am not cheap enough to do what happened to you today," I said monotonously. The suffocation was unbearable, sitting there knowing she thought so lowly of me.

I knew I was the reason for all of this. I had hurt her deeply, and I couldn't blame her for her lack of trust in me. But still, her words today cut me to the core. I stood up from the chair and looked at her.

"I have informed your family. They will be here soon. I will wait outside until they come. Take rest," I said, my voice strained. Without waiting for her response, I walked out of the room.

Outside, I leaned against the wall, trying to steady my breathing. The weight of her accusations pressed heavily on my chest. I had always been a man who believed in living life on my terms, not caring what others thought. But now, for the first time, I wished I had cared. I wished I had met Nidhi years ago, wished I had believed that one day I might fall in love. I wished I had waited for her instead of living the way I had.

My thoughts kept circling back to Nidhi. As I thought about the men who are responsible for Nidhi's condition, a wild kind of anger coursed through my entire being.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I saw Laksh rushing in, with Nidhi's family with him.

"Mr Raichand? What happened to Nidhi?" Laksh asked as soon as they reached me. Her family were also looking at me anxiously.

I took a deep breath and looked at them.

"She is fine now. She had her head hit on the wall. There is a slight injury. The doctors have asked for her to be kept under observation for the night. She is in the room now. You can see her." I said and pointed at the room in which she was admitted.

Her family hurried into the room, but Laksh stood there, staring at me.

"What exactly happened?" He asked and I didn't hide anything. I told him about what all happened.

Once Laksh left to see Nidhi, I composed myself and dialled Sam's number. Sam was my security team head.

"Hello, Mr Raichand. How can I help you?" Sam asked.

"I want you to find someone for me." I said coldly.

"Pass on the details please, Mr Raichand." Sam said, without any hesitation.

I proceeded to give him the place where the incident happened and the bare minimum facts about what happened.

"I want every one of them. I want them alive, but as good as dead." I said coldly.

"On it, Mr Raichand." Sam said and hung up the call.

"Nidhi. Those men will be at your feet, begging for mercy. This is Siddharth Singh Raichand's promise to you." I vowed to myself.


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