SHOT 110

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Third person's pov!

"Nidhi," he said, his voice soft now, "look around you. We're stranded in the middle of nowhere with no way of contacting anyone. But do you feel scared? Do you feel annoyed? Do you feel like getting away from me? Answer me, Nidhi.."

She shook her head, surprised by the truth. No, she wasn't scared. Not with him beside her.

Nidhi felt her breath catch in her throat, her heart hammering a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Sid's words hung in the air, heavy with a truth she couldn't deny. She wasn't scared. Not with him there. In fact, a strange sense of security washed over her, a feeling completely at odds with their volatile history.

His eyes, a deep, mesmerising gold, held hers captive. He was close, so close she could feel the warmth radiating from his body, a stark contrast to the cool air. The verbal banter, the usual armour they wore around each other, had melted away, leaving behind a raw vulnerability that both surprised and terrified her.

"Nidhi," he whispered again, his voice a husky caress. His thumb gently stroked the side of her face, sending a spark of awareness shooting through her. She wanted to pull away, to maintain the safe distance she had always kept between them, but her body betrayed her, rooted to the spot.

"Don't," she managed, the word barely a squeak. It wasn't a plea, not entirely. More a question, an acknowledgement of the dangerous territory they were treading on.

Sid's lips curved into a knowing smile.

"Don't what, Nidhi?" He murmured, his voice a low rumble sending shivers down her spine.

He dipped his head further, his warm breath teasing her lips. The space between them was a mere whisper, a single, hesitant move and their lips would meet. Nidhi's mind screamed at her to stop it, to maintain the boundaries she had built so meticulously.

But a part of her, a tiny, rebellious voice, craved the taste of his touch. She has seen glimpses of the man beneath the arrogant facade, the man who loved fiercely, the man who made her heart race even when she hated him the most.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, caught in a silent battle of wills.

"This is insane, Siddharth ji," Nidhi finally managed, her voice barely audible. "We can't..."

"Can't what, Nidhi?" His voice was a low growl, laced with a hint of frustration. His hand moved to cup her cheek, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her.

The question hung unanswered in the air, a silent plea lost in the intensity of the moment. Sid's gaze, a dark storm brewing in its depths, held Nidhi captive. He closed the remaining distance between them, his breath a warm caress against her lips.

Nidhi's breath hitched. Every instinct screamed at her to pull away, to maintain the carefully constructed walls around her heart. But another, deeper part, a part she couldn't quite control, yearned for the taste of his touch.

Heaving a shaky sigh, she surrendered to the inevitable. Her eyelids fluttered shut as Sid's lips met hers in a tentative brush. The kiss was soft, a whisper of a promise, laced with a hint of the unspoken emotions simmering beneath the surface.

A jolt of electricity shot through Nidhi, a current that arced from his lips to every nerve ending in her body. It was a kiss unlike any she had ever imagined, filled with a tenderness that surprised her as much as the raw desire.

Sid's hand, cupping her cheek, tilted her face up, deepening the kiss. This time, it was more urgent, a frantic exploration that spoke of a hunger they both refused to acknowledge. His tongue danced against hers, a slow, sensual exploration that sent shivers down her spine.

Nidhi melted into the kiss, her initial resistance dissolving under the heat of his touch. Her arms, which had been stiff at her sides, instinctively wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. A soft moan escaped her lips, a sound that seemed to fuel the fire raging between them.

The kiss was a whirlwind of emotions – confusion, desire, a flicker of fear. But above it all, there was an undeniable spark, a connection that transcended their past rivalry.

Suddenly, a loud honking sound pierced through their daze, shattering the fragile bubble they had created. Nidhi gasped, pulling away from Sid abruptly. Her cheeks burned with a mixture of heat and desire.

A car, a saviour in this unexpected situation, rounded the bend and pulled up beside them.

Sid swore under his breath, his frustration evident. Nidhi let out a shaky sigh of relief, the tension draining away as quickly as it had built. The unexpected arrival of the car had shattered the fragile connection they had been building, leaving them both breathless and slightly disoriented.

The driver, a kind-faced old man, rolled down his window.

"Car trouble, youngsters?" He inquired kindly.

Nidhi nodded mutely. As the man offered them a ride back to town, a sense of disappointment settled over her. The kiss, the raw vulnerability they had shared, all seemed like a figment of her imagination with the arrival of the car.

The car ride back was a suffocating silence punctuated only by the rhythmic hum of the engine. Shame burned in Nidhi's chest, a white-hot coal fanned by the memory of the kiss. How could she have let him? Sid, the arrogant, infuriating Sid, who had gotten under her skin since day one. The man she had spent the last few months building walls against, the very same man whose touch now sent shivers down her spine.

Her traitorous body had betrayed her carefully constructed defences. The moment his lips met hers, a sense of security, something she hadn't felt in a long time, washed over her. It was a security that defied logic, a security she knew was built on shaky ground.

Sid, on the other hand, seemed to be in high spirits. A self-satisfied smirk played on his lips, and a triumphant glint shone in his eyes. Each stolen glance his way confirmed her suspicion – he thought he had won something, a concession, a crack in her armour.

Nidhi gritted her teeth. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction. He was mistaken. The kiss was a moment of weakness, a lapse in judgement fueled by the unexpected intimacy of their situation. Even when she told that to herself, deep down she knows things have irreversibly changed. How long can she hold back? Not long..

As the car pulled into her familiar lanes of Kurla, the sight of her housing colony did little to ease the turmoil within her. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she turned towards Sid, her voice low and firm.

"It shouldn't have happened, Mr. Raichand. Don't mistake this for anything more than it was – a moment of... confusion." Nidhi said, though she herself wasn't feeling any conviction in those words.

The playful glint in Sid's eyes vanished, replaced by a flicker of disappointment. He opened his mouth to speak, but Nidhi cut him off.

"Bye, Mr Raichand." She said curtly, her hand already on the car door handle.

Stepping out onto the familiar pavement, the cool air did little to cool the fire burning within her. She slammed the car door shut, the finality of the sound echoing her silent plea – for things to go back to the way they were, for the confusing feelings swirling within her to disappear.

But nothing was ever going to go back to normal..

"Nidhi... Lie as much as you want, but I can see it in your eyes that you love me.. And it isn't going to take long for you to admit it either. Today was just a trailer for our upcoming love story.." Sid spoke to himself with a chuckle. 


I might be posting multiple chapters from now on. I just want to finish this off. Once it is completed, within a week I will take down the book so that I can give it exclusively for any other platform and earn something from this. I don't want to leave the book incomplete after reaching all this way. That is the only reason why I am completing the book k here.