Chapter 53~ The truth hurts

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*Chase's POV*

When she left with Dylan I remained as still as a bird before flight. Anger seethed within me but I managed to hold it back although not without with great effort. Seeing Elizabeth with him was infuriating, but that was nothing compared to seeing her run into his arms. The happiness and joy on her face was enough to tell me that I had lost whatever chance I'd ever had. Turning away from the scene I concentrated on the other happy couple in the room; my brother and his mate Sydney. Their pairing had surprised me but as I got to know her it was obvious there were correctly matched. They were polar opposites, each being strong in the other's weaknesses and vice versa. The only major problem was that Sydney was a human but thankfully she'd accepted Mason and our world. I couldn't imagine what she must be experiencing although judging from her face she was very much in love with it. Feeling slightly sick to my stomach I focused directly on my shoes which were strangely fascinating. A clearing of a throat was all it took to command my bored imagination. "Now little brother I just say you have quite the green eyes today!" Mason teased. Catching on to the joke Sydney confidently walked Masson round the head before turning to me "He doesn't mean that at all, do you?" She addressed, jabbing her mate in the ribs. Winning on his behalf I simply shook my head "It's fine he's only teasing. Now if you'll please excuse me I need to be somewhere!" I replied, stepping away. There was no reply and I soon figured out it was because my idiot brother had wrapped her in his embrace. Slightly embarrassed to be witnessing this moment between them I retreated out into the heat of the dipping sun. It was late when I reached my suite that I was assigned, now vampires don't sleep but we still rested. Despite needing the break and energy I knew there was something I had to do before resting. Crossing the deserted courtyard I used my heightened senses to locate Elizabeth's scent. As a werewolf her scent was stronger than a human but as my friend it was super easy to track her.

I found Elizabeth in the gardens, sitting atop a stone bench. Praying for a good reception from her, I approached cautiously. "Hey you! I was wondering if you'll walk with me for a bit just so we can talk." I asked, sitting lightly down on the hot stone. Obviously aware of my presence she nodded quickly before getting up, avoiding direct eye contact at all times. Moving behind her I tried to relax but my tense muscles protested, remaining in the fixed, tight position they were in now. We soon began to near the maze and I slowed, and without thinking I grasped Liz's hand and diverted her off course. She came easily, obviously trusting me, which made me smile. Knowing however that her over enthusiastic patience would end soon, I pulled us to a stop. Breathless and nervous I burst in my speech, wringing my hands as I went. "So I wanted to talk to fully explain my feelings for you. Now before I actually tell you I just want to let you know that I will still be your friend, if you let me, after this and I can't go on without telling you how I really feel. Whether or not you accept this is up to you but I just have to get this out between us!" I exclaimed. Her face darkened as I spoke but she remained silent, giving me silence permission to continue. Taking a deep intake of breath I spoke the words that in three words expressed my feelings for her "I love you."

*Elizabeth's POV*

There's no words to explain the current situation, absolutely none. Really before he even started talking I knew that this would not just be a causal walk between friends. Although I had suspicions I had no idea what he was actually going today, so you can imagine my shock when he blurted out those three words. "I love you!" The three words I'd dreamed about hearing, just not from this particular person. Gob smacked I watched Chase as he twisted his hands nervously. I stared helplessly as I struggled for words. It was then that I felt my wolf jump forward let me deal with him. I'll be considerate enough! Commanded Scarlet, her voice something everyone listened to. Helpless to do anything but give control over to Scarlet I relented and slunk back into the depths of my mind. Having given control over to Scarlet was like attempting to be a back seat driver and failing. I heard her thoughts like I would Clarity's and I heard her voice, which matched my own, yet it hadn't come from my lips. Words sprung to mind and seconds later they were put together into a sentence "Look Chase I appraise your honesty but I'm sorry but I don't return your feelings. I have a mate, whom I love very much, and even if I didn't I still wouldn't date you because you're one of my best friends. I wouldn't trade our friendship for anything but we can NEVER be together, don't forget that." Scarlet concluded, her voice ringed with harshness. Almost instantly as if scared of my reaction Scarlet dropped the hold she had on my mind, allowing me in. It was then that I felt a tugging drawing me closer to my body, as if my conscience was summoning me. Accepting control, I collapsed back into my real body. A rush of emotions roared threw me at Scarlet's words; a mix of anger, relief, grief, and regret. As angry as I was at Scarlet for her harsh speech I was also grateful as it got him to understand that although I didn't have any romantic feelings I did have some friendly feelings. Looking up I just managed to catch the devastated, heart wrenching look Chase shot at me. Feeling guilty I desperately reached out "No don't touch me, you made it perfectly clear you don't what me so I'll leave thank you!" He hissed, jerking back as if my touch burnt him. Feeling dejected I dropped my hand in misery and stepped aside. As he stormed past I felt the full weight of my words hit me. As nice as I tried to be I think I may have just lost my best friend...

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