Chapter Four

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"Come on Calum you've already had 2 drinks, you don't need another one" Lexi whined.

"Y-yes I dooo" he said touching her nose, he was a lightweight, and these drinks were very concentrated with vodka.

"I don't want to drag your unconscious drunk ass home when you pass out, we're leaving now."

"Calum can you just quit your shit and get in the car" I said really annoyed. "Your sister is trying to help you and your being a dick."

I was surprised at my bravery considering his embarrassment in class, but I said it anyway, he really was being a dick.

"Oh my god, shut up Nai-" he said passing out.

"Fucking shit, Luke, Mikey, Ashton, come get your dumbass friend and take him to Lexi's car. I yelled across the kitchen, hoping they would hear me.

Immediately Michael and Luke came to help, I guess I sounded a bit scary. Ashton, on the other hand, just finished his drink and followed a girl upstairs.


"Uhm actually Luke I can help Mikey take him, can you go stop Ashton from a drunk hookup?" I asked, he nodded and ran upstairs.

Once we finally got Calum's ass in the car, Luke was coming out of the house with an extremely sexually frustrated Ashton. I didn't really care how mad he was, it was 2 am and I don't even know how we're going to sneak in at this point, we're all sleeping at the Hood house but everyone is drunk and loud so that's going to be an adventure.

When we finally got to the house, I climbed to Lexi's window first, then Mikey, (me, him, and Lexi were the only sober ones, I had the most experience sneaking into their house, and I needed his strength to help me lift everyone with the rope) and I had to throw a rope down because God knows none of those other boys were sober enough for a ladder.

After hauling everyone in, Lexi fell asleep and left me with three drunk teenage boys, thanks Lex. At least Michael isn't drunk.

"Hey Calum I have a question" Luke stuttered to Calum, "why are you so mean to her?" He said pointing to me.

"I don't know" Calum mumbled.

Me, being confused with the whole conversation, just left Mikey to deal with them. I needed rest. But I would never guess who I woke up with the next morning.

A/N- hey guys, sorry this chapter is short but I've been really busy. I promise it will get very exciting soon. Alright, bye loves.


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