High School Sweetheart Pt 2

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1 year later (Lily's first birthday) Paiges pov

"Emily, stop popping the damn balloons!" I say in a harsh tone. She just look at me and continues to blow up more. I climb up on a step stool to hang the streamers when my husband walks in with the cake. "Cake's has arrived in one piece like you asked babe." He says I reply "it better be." I climb down the step stole and headed into the kitchen before I got to the kitchen, sickness flashed over my entire body I ran into closes bathroom.

Jai comes running in "you okay babe this has been going on for 2 weeks. Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" he says I reply "im fine, I just think it's a stomach bug." He nods helping me up. He walks back into the kitchen leaving me to clean myself up. "Someone's cranky today." I hear Emily say Jai replies "She's not feeling good." I sigh.

After what felt like hours, the house was finally ready for a party. My mom and dad walked in with loads of presents. As soon as I get my parents settled Jai's parents walk in, followed by our friends. Birthday girl is in her high chair and everyone is wishing her a happy birthday. Jai mom Jane says "I love her pink tutu." I smile and says "it's adorable anit it." Everyone giggles. I go into the kitchen to set more food out when jane walk in "I thought you could use some help?" she says I smile and say "I got it." she smiles and pulls me into a hug and wispers "your glowing." I look at her shocked. She puts he finger to her lips (like shh) and I reply "I just have a stomach bug." She replies "oh." She grabs one of the trays and helps me carry them out there.

After the party and I clean up, jai and birthday girl is laying in our bed. jai is tickling her. I come in and say "I need lily, I need to change her." jai smiles and says "I'll do it." I shake my head no. then he hands her to me.

We come back a few moments later and Lily crawls over to where Jai is laying and says "dada." Jai chuckles and picks her up. I turn the light on; I walk over to him and sit next to him. Then I say "jai read her shirt." He looks down at her shirt, and a wide smile from ear to ear appears on his face. "You're pregnant?" he says I smile and nod with tears in my eyes. He pulls me into a bear hug and I look up at him and he's crying. "after 6 months of trying we are finally having another baby." He says through his tears. "Lily, you're going to be a big sister." I say she giggles and puts her arms out for me to hold her. I give her a hug and kiss and say "happy birthday big sister." She nuzzles into my chest and jai kisses me and kisses lily's head. "I'm crazy in love with you babe." Jai says I smile and kiss him again.

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