Nice Guys Finish Last (Pt. 3)

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I sit back down, and look at him. "Why are you so in love with this jerk." I reply "excuse you? what makes you think he is a jerk?" I scuff. He replies "he picked up a chick on a date with you, don't you think that's lame." I just look at him. "What do you want from me?" I say close to tears. He looks at me and says "whats really going on." I reply "are all guys jerks?" He looks at me and says "im not. You may think I am but im not." I roll my eyes and say "I know your type, you flirt with one girl and take a different one home." he rasies his eyebrow and says "really? Because I only had one girlfriend for 8 years and she cheated on me and on my birthday she announces after 6 months that she's engaged." I look at him in shock. I reply "im sorry for miss judging you." he nods looking down I continue "I was madly in love with this guy and he left me for his fiancée, and I haven't trusted any guy since. I'm sorry for miss judging you, It's just I can't trust anyone. " He gets up and sits next to me and wipes my tears. And says "I'm sorry." He says I look at him and he smiles at me. "why do guys find me repulsive?" I say he replies "I don't like I said before you're a pretty cool women." I smile and say "well you still want a ride from me?" he chuckles and nods.

We decided to go back to my house so I can freshen up, "you have a lovely home" he says I reply "thanks, make yourself at home. There is a fresh pitcher of homemade lemonade in the fridge." He chuckles and sits on the couch. he picks up a picture of me sitting on the end table and smiles. "you were very cute as a child." he says I reply "omg don't look at that. And did you just say was?" he chuckles, I walk out and sit next to him. "we you were cute, but your beautiful now." I smile and look at him. "uh no im not and do you want me to take you home now?" he shake his head and says "you are you are very beautiful, and are you kicking me out so soon?" I shake my head and say "no, and no im not." He sits closer and says "Stop you are I don't care what you think I think you are beautiful." I lean in very close to his face and I grab his cheeks and say "read my lips no." he shakes his head and leans closer and says "you are." I reply one last time "NOT!" before you know it we were making out.

The next day I wake up and turn my phone on and there is 2 text messages. One from tiff asking if I am ok and the second Jai asking what time he should come over for our movie night tonight. I smile and text Jai back.

4 years later (their wedding.)

"And that is how these two became an item. I am so glad that Jai walked into her life. I am so happy that she can finally trust again. So hear is to many more years of happiness. To MR. and MRS. Courtney." say tiff. Everyone cheers and Jai kissed me. "I love you, babe." He says in a whisper I reply "I love you handsome." I kisses him and everyone is cheering and clapping. I smile and say "I am more than happy I trusted you." he chuckles and says "I am happy that our exes are jerks because I ended up with the most perfect girl." I smile wildly and grab his hand and pull him to the dance floor.

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