I can't have you.

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Jai Pov.

I never stop thinking about her, those eyes that smile and who can forget her silly laugh. It's been 4 years since I have saw her and still to this day it breaks my heart. I knew she's the one and I never moved on from her, she is all I think about. I would kill just to be able to hold her in my arms and tell her I love her but this time with more meaning.

The last time I told her I loved her was when we were in high school, senior year to be exact. We meet freshmen year she was my tutor. Since my grades sucked I couldn't play rugby without bringing my grades up. She was the prettiest thing I ever laid my eyes on. When she walking into the library my jaw dropped open and I couldn't stop staring at her. Every Tuesday and Thursdays she would tutor me after school. We became close finally on the last day of freshman year I finally asked her to be my girlfriend. She said yes, and we hung out all summer. That when she met my parents and I met hers. Sophomore and junior year flew by fast.

Senior year finally came after a really long summer; she went with us down to Australia to visit the rest of my family. Our relationship was perfect, I was and am still madly in love with her and I knew she loved me just as much. She was very silly and was a child at heart just like me, so we goofed around a lot. Then Prom came and it shook our relationship up like a snow globe. There was a stupid rule that Rugby players could only take cheerleaders to prom. It wasn't necessarily a rule more of a guy code and I wanted to be accepted by my very popular guy friends and I took Brooklyn the head cheerleader to prom. Instead of the love of my life and beautiful girlfriend. After that our relationship was never been the same.

Graduation came and right after we graduated I lost her. She told me how she got accepted to some school in New York and she didn't think we could handle a long distance relationship and we broke up. Still to this day I have thinking about high school because I miss her so much. I have tried looking for her online but nothing comes up, I have even flown to New York to find her. I just truly wish I can see her again.

"Dude, blow out your candles already." Cody my best guy friend says as I snap back to reality. I give one big blow and there out. "So what did you wish for?" my sister Steph says. I just look at her and shake my head. "he probably wished for a hot model babe." Cody reply's I shake my head 'no' and Steph says "oh by the way that chick you used to date in high school, I saw her at the dress shop. She was sporting a pretty big rock on her left finger too." My heart begins to race "what? Are you sure that was her? did she see you? Did she say anything?" I blurted out all these questions at her she laughs and say "no she didn't see me or talk to me and yeah the lady that was helping her called her full name. Jai I'm pretty sure she was looking for a wedding dress." She says with a sigh. My heart drops into my chest. Cody says "dude get your mind of that women, we are going to a strip club tonight for your birthday." I shake my head 'no'. He says "your boring grandpa." I shrug and think I have to see her I have too. If she is getting married maybe by bumping into her I can at least have closer.

A month later, tonight's is my father's birthday party. I of course am going and am going to be by myself. Tonight came pretty fast, I have been setting up tents all day in the back garden. Steph walk out from the house and starts putting up decorations. "Can you help me blow up the balloons?" she asked I just nod. The party started at 7pm and I am already bored. I decided to go sit on the front porch. I jerk my head up when I hear a familiar voice. My heart starts to race as the person gets closer.

"We aren't staying long, and cover up our arms." I hear a man voice say. then my heart race as I hear her voice, "yes sir." I look and I finally see her walking up the drive way. My heart race as I shot up on my feet so quickly that I almost fell down the stairs. "(y/n)?" I said she looked up at me with those gorgeous brown eyes and the guy standing behind her give me 'I'm going to kill you look'. Moments of staring at each other she speaks "Jai?" I nod walking towards her the guy she is with walk past her and whisper in her ear. Whatever he said to her made her swallow hard. "I have been looking all over for you." I say she just looks at me then she pulls her sweatshirt down on her arms, I notice there are bruises. "You okay?" I ask she nods. "look baby I still love you, I haven't moved on since you. Your all I think about." All she looks at me dead in the eye and says "I love you too Jai but I am marring Jackson." I look at her and say's "why, why are you marring him?" she shrugs her shoulders. Jackson comes and pulls her into the back garden. I smile to myself she loves me, she told me she still loves me. But why is she still marring that guy, I think to myself.

A month went by since I ran into her, I still can't get over the fact that she is getting married to someone that isn't me. I am sitting in my living room drinking a beer and watching master chef, when I hear a knock on my door. I get up and walk over to the door, I can hear hysterical crying. I open the door to find her stairing at me crying hysterically. "hey." I say grabbing her arm to pull her into my apartment. She jumps as I grab her. "its okay." I say softly. She comes in and sit on the couch.

After 20 minutes she finally calms down I just sit there wiping her tears away and keep telling her she going to be ok. She looks at me in the eye and then she pulls her sleeves up showing me her badly bruised arms. "(y/n) omg! Did he do this to you?" I say she just starts crying again. I say it again "did he do this to you baby?" she nods her head. I ball up my fist and then kiss her forehead. "why? Why did he do this to you?" i say she replies "I didn't have dinner ready when he got home from work." I look at her and shake my head "that isn't an excuse to beat you. Baby how long has he been hitting you?" She wipes her eyes with the tissue I handed her and she replies "since the day we met." I reply "baby why haven't you gone to the police where are you putting up with him?" I ask she replies "I know I'm stupid I dumped you and know I am being forced to marry him." I reply "you are not stupid baby, you are brave. How because you came here to tell me." she sniffels and I say "come on we are going to go to the hospital, you need to get checked out." she looks at me and replies "okay."

In the car on the way home from the hospital which they said she's going to be fine and she is very lucky that he didn't hit any of her organs. "babe." I say she looks at me and I say "how did you find my apartment?" she smiles and says "your dad told me at the party where you were staying and I looked at the buzzer on the door on which apartment you live in." I smile and say "I love you baby." She smiles and says "I love you too Jai, I am beyond sorry that I dumped you, you are my princes charming." He smile at her and at a stop light I kissed her on the lips. The kiss gave me butterflies in my stomach; it felt great to have her lips on mine again.

The Future.

(y/n) filled a report at the police station and Jackson was arrested and taking to a jail far, far away from her. I proposed 2 weeks later on the anniversary of the day we met 4 years ago, she said yes. 6 months later we got married in my parents back garden where she always wanted to get married. A year later she gave birth to our twin girls, Aubrey and Lila. She never left my side since then, I finally had everything I wished for on my birthday; my wife, our 2 beautiful daughters and our son that is on the way. My life is perfect.

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