Wedding Crash'n

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Jai has been my best friend since we were in diapers; my mom and his mom are best friends. The big problem is his is getting married today and I am band from the wedding. Not from him but from his soon to be wife, she told me if I should up to the wedding she would make my life a living hell. I want to be there for him, I really do but she told me to stay away. I sit at Starbucks drinking my iced caramel macchiato, think of him and all the memoirs he had together. Like the time, Jai and I were in Australia one summer and we were on the beach and there was a drop and I was too chicken to jump off, then he ran and grabbed me and we both jumped. When we landed I splashed him and we ended up having a slash fight. And the time we snuck out of the house and climbed into his tree house so we can spy on his neighbor. Jai thought she was vampire; she only comes out at night. And finally my favorite memory was every Sunday we would have a movie night in my basement and one night we were about to watch dumb and dumber when Jai started a popcorn fight and we ended up kissing, he was my first kiss. All this memories start to come back to me but it's all coming to an end Jai is getting married I'm loosing him.

"Mama are you okay?" the waiter said to me. I just look at her I didn't realized I was crying. "uh yeah im fine thank you." I stand up and walk out to my car where I just sit there crying. I finaly head to my apartment and sit there and crying on my couch. I am going to lose him, I am going to lose my best friend.

Later on my roommate came home Shelby. She walks in and sees me eating ice cream out of the container and tears streaming down my face. "alright (y/n) get up and get dressed." I look at her. "Get up" she repeats I shake my head. "We are going to that wedding and YOU WILL tell him so are in love with him." she says pulling me off the couch. I stand up and just look at her. "lets go we are going to make you look descent so you can marsh your butt down there and tell the man of your dreams you love him and want to have his babies." She says practically dragging into my room. "Who says I am in love with him?" I say in a sad voice she replies "you are crying on his wedding day instead of being happy for him and I just know you love him." I just look at her as she wipes my face with a warm towel. I sigh and finish wiping my face and then I let Shelby do my makeup. After she is done she goes into her closet and get here dress she was supposed to wear to the wedding and hands it to me. "Go." She says pushing me into the bathroom. I just look at her sigh and close the bathroom. "It's a good thing, me are the same size." She says setting out her curling iron.

I put on the dress without messing up my makeup, then I walk out of the bathroom and she sees me and she smiles wide. I sit on the chair in front of her so she can do my hair. "Who says I want to have his babies" I say with a giggle. She laughs and says "you can't keep your eyes of hands off of him." I blush. She starts curling my hair. I say after a while "what if he doesn't like me back, I mean he is marring another woman." I say looking at my lap. She replies "because you two belong together, she is only marring him for the money. And besides once he sees you he will forget that evil witch he's marring. Done." I look into the mirror and I couldn't help but give a small smile. She walks into her closet and gets her sliver high heel shoes. I stand up and slip them on.

In the car on the way there Shelby says "You look grate." I smile and say "thank you it was all you." she smiles. When we park outside of the church I get butterfly's in my stomach I look down. Shelby grabs my hand and says "(y/n) you can do this you can tell him you love him." I sigh then nod at her and then I get out of the car. I start walking towards the church saying to myself you can do this, don't it for Jai. I get inside and I see Cody (his best guy friend and best man) standing there. He notices me and smiles and then says "oh thank gosh Jai hasn't stopped talking about you all day. he is in here." He leads me to where he is. "Jai, your girl is here." He says opening the door for me and I walk in Cody close the door behind me, him leaving us alone. Jai has his back turn to me when I say "uhh hey Groom." He quickly turns around and says "Hey." He looks at me up and down and he's mouth drops open. "you look gorgeous." He says I reply "thank you. Jai I have to talk.." I get cut off when there is a knock on the door. "Lets go groom." Said the Priest. I look at him, he kisses my forehead and says "we'll talk later." He walks out before I could say anything.

I sit in the last pew, looking down at my fingernails wanting to cry. Shelby walks in and mouth "what happened." I shake my head and she gives my the wide eyes. Jai is standing right next to me, he looks over and winks at me, I smile. Before i could say anything he starts walking down the aisle. I look at Shelby and she puts her hand on her heart mouthing you can do this. The Groomsmen and Bridesmaid make there way down the aisle and then the bride is standing next to me. I try to hide my face so she cant see I'm there. The music starts and she starts walking down the aisle my heart starts to hurt. i cant watch this I think. she makes it down to Jai when I hear "Stop the music." I look up from looking at my shoes and see Jai standing by the podium. "uhh I'm sorry, I uhh i cant do this." Everyone gasps. he continues "I'm sorry, but im in love with someone else. Someone that means the world to me." Shelby elbows me. "I'm sorry Ashley I cant marry you. My heart belongs to (Y/n)." When he says my name I look up shocked. Shelby elbows me to go. I start to walk down the aisle noticing everyone looking at me after Ashley gasps "YOU!!!" I walk down the aisle and i was in the Middle when I feel Jai's arm around me. "i love you (y/n)" I look up at his smiling face and say "i love you two Jai Stephen Courtney." he leans into kiss me when Ashley storms over and roughly hands me her flowers saying "i hope your happy." i couldn't help but reply "I am now." she storms off.

I turn back around and see Jai on one knee "(y/n) will you marry me babe." I smile and stare at him. "SAY YES!!" I giggled know that it was Shelby and say "YES!!" everyone cheered. he slips the ring on my finger and i gasp "Jai, this is my ring i told you i wanted when we were shopping when we where teenagers." he smiles and says "i had it for awhile." i smile and lean into kiss him when the Priest says "so is there a wedding or not?" Jai's is about to reply when i cut him off "Yes." he look at me. "are you sure" he asks i reply "yes. everyone is here except my family lets do it." Jai's mom chimes in "i called your mom they are on there way." Shelby comes running down by us and says "Lets do this." she grabs my hand and pulls me into the brides room.

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