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Me and my husband have been married for 5 years. We have to kids together, a one year old girl named Scarlett and a 4 month old baby boy name Noah. My relationship with my husband was perfect until he started signing on to bigger projects, he is barely home and more. He texts and calls sometimes, but mostly we end up arguing over something stupid. I just wish he didn't work so much and spend time with me and the kids.

It was a Friday afternoon, I just put Scarlett and Noah down for a nap after I feed them. I put them in there cribs in the room they share and shut the door quietly. I walk into the kitchen to load the dishwasher and make Noah's his next round of baby bottles, when the front door opens and my husband walks in. I turn around and say quietly "don't slam the door the kids are sleeping." He walks over to me and says "you're not going to ask why I am home so early." I reply "you didn't give me a chance to." He sighs and sits at the kitchen table with his face in his hands. I close the dishwasher and wash my hands and say "what's the matter?" He look up with tears streaming down his face. I walk over to him and he says "I got fired." He says I put my hand on his shoulders and say "Oh, Jai, what happened?" He says wiping his face "he said that he had to many people to represent and he fired me." I reply "honey, you were with them for the longest time why did they just decide to let you go?" he shrugs. I hug him and kiss his forehead. "why don't you go lay down." I say he looks at me and nods. He gets up and goes into our bedroom. I sigh and start making Noah's bottles.

Later I was making dinner and Scarlett was in her playpen, Noah was sleeping in his bouncer. Jai was watching tv in the living room drinking beer. I hate when he drinks especially around the kids but he did have a hard day, so I let it slide this time. When dinner is done I walk into the living room and put my arms around him and kisses his cheek and say "dinners ready honey." he says "okay be right there." I nod and pick up Scarlett and put her in her high chair, and I re call jai. "I'm not hungry." This makes my upset and I say "Jai, I cooked dinner for us and your not going to eat?" he says "I told you im not hungry." I sigh and say angrily "fine, I'll eat by myself like always." I walk back into the kitchen when Noah starts to cry. I leave him figuring Jai would at least let me eat but he ignores him. I walk in and pick him up.

So I am sitting at the kitchen table with Noah in my arms trying to eat and help Scarlett eat all by myself. Noah finally falls back to sleep and I put him in his bouncer and bring him into the kitchen with me so I can watch him. Bout time he falls asleep my food gets cold and I put it in the microwave and sigh. After Scarlett is done eating I clean her up and get her into her pajamas and put her into her back into her playpen so I can clean up the kitchen and feed and bath Noah.

When both kids are down I walk into the kitchen and find my husband eating a sandwich. I sigh and go into our bedroom. After getting my pajamas on I decied to call my mom because I cant hold my emotions in any longer I need someone to talk to. "mo, I cant do this anymore, Jai is not helping what so ever and he is never home anymore and its everything piling up on me." by this time im crying.

Jai's pov

I was going to walk into the bedroom when I hear my wife talking on the phone with someone, it sounds like she is crying. I listen in. "how am I supposed to tell him he is being a horrible husband and father? Mom I cant just say that to him." I just stand there listening to her. "I do love him, I love him with all my heart but I cant take it anymore, im raising the kids by myself." I wipe the tears that start to form in my eye. I am a bad husband and father, i have been neglecting my family for my career. I'm forgetting who I am 'family comes first.' That was always my motto. I'm forgetting without my family I wouldn't be where I am today.

(wifes pov)

I walk up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. I sit up and look over and see my husband missing from the bed. He must have slept on the couch. I roll over and look at the clock its 8:30am. "Crap." I say sitting up, knowing I miss Noah's feeding at 7. I get up go to the bathroom and walk out to see my husband making breakfast for us with Scarlett in her high chair laughing at her father and Noah in his bouncer sleeping. "Good morning beautiful." He says to me putting the stack of pancakes on the table. "Good morning." I say. he leans in a kisses me. I couldn't help but smile. We sit down and eat.

Later that night after Jai gave me the night off I was soaking in the bathtub when he comes in and say "Tom called he wants me back." I just look at him and he starts taking his clothes off to join me. I reply "what did you tell him." he steps inside I stand up so he can sit behind me. He reply's "I told him I will come back if he schedule sometime for my family." I smile and sit in front of him. He wraps his arms around my waist and says "im sorry baby that I have been a horrible husband, and father. I promise you guys are going to be at the top of my list." I smile and turn around and say "you mean that?" he nods and I kisses him. "I love you baby." He says before he enters me. I reply "I love you to Jai" and I kiss him.

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