Emotional Roller coaster

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My husband and I have been married for 5 years, and we love children. So when I found out that there are checking to see if something is wrong because the doctor found something  I was devastated. Jai and I have been trying for a baby for about 6 months and nothing. I decided it's time to go to the doctor and get a checkup.

I don't even know how I made it home after my doctor's appointment from the tears pouring down my face. I make it into the house and the first thing I do is head to the bathroom. I sit on the tube and lean forward my head in my hands, just crying.

A few hours later I am in the kitchen trying to keep my mind of the news and make dinner, when Jai walks in. "Hey beautiful, I missed you." I turn around to kiss him and he says right away. "What's going on why are you crying?" I just turn and continue to cook. "Babe, what's wrong?" he said kissing my head. I turn around and say "we'll talk later dinner is almost ready." I say he kisses my forehead again and walking into the bathroom to wash up. After dinner I load the dishwasher and start it, when Jai walks in and say "so what did the doctor say?" I drop a cup in the sink and the sound of the question. "baby, seriously what's going on I thought we promised no secrets." He says grabbing my waist. I turn to him and say with tears already streaming down my face "the doctor is running some test they found something wrong and he said that if it comes back positive then we can't have a baby." He sighs and pulls me into a hug. "I understand if you want a divorce, I mean you deserve someone that can have your baby." I say he replies "stop! Stop it! I love you know matter what, I told you that when we got married. We will have a baby, we will figure this out." he wipes my tears away but there was no point because here comes more. "I want a baby Jai. I'll do anything please." I say he grabs my face and kisses my forehead. "I know you do sweetheart we will figure this out let just go lay down." He smiles at me warmly and then he kisses me. You know what happens next.

A month later, I am sitting in the bathroom taking a pregnancy test, I am way late on my period. I don't have my hopes up, actual I have a feeling I'm not pregnant. I take the test and wait 5 minutes to read the results.

I walk into the bathroom sigh and look down at the test. Her comes the water works because I pick up the test and I drop to my knees. Im pregnant! Im finally pregnant 2-3 weeks it says. I am sitting on my knees covering my mouth with my hand, holding the test in the other and tears of relief stream down my face.

Jai gets home from work and instead of dinner I texted him we will order pizza in and watch a movie. He walks in I am sitting on the couch with a blanket on. "Hey babe, you look cozy, sitting there." I smile and he comes and sits next to me. "where you crying again?" he says I reply "yeah but in a good way." He smiles and I kisses him. "I love Jai so much." I say and he smiles and says "love you too beautiful but why where you crying?" I grab his hand and put it on my stomach and he says "Baby I told you, your not fat your beautiful." I giggle and say "I have a present for you." he looks at me confused. I walk into the kitchen and get the small box. I walk back in and hand it to him. he opens it and look at me, stands up and hugs me tight. "your pregnant? We're pregnant." He says threw his tears. I smile and say "yes." He smiles and hugs me super tight. "I love you and you." he say kissing me then my stomach.

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