No Taco Bell Bitch

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[Katy's POV]

"Oooooooooooooooh......" I groan as I open my eyes and feel a pain in my tummy.

"Wha.....what? WHAT??? WHATS WRONG? CALL 911!!!!" Ava jumps up and looks around the room.

"Avee, its nothing, just a little tummy pain." Ava rubs her eyes and runs her fingers through her dark hair.

"Okay....okay okay...." she looks around the room and then sits back down on the bed. "What time is it?" she asks through a yawn.

"4: 28" I answer as i put my hands over my face.

"Now Im like awake and I can't go back to sleep." Ava says as she grabs her computer. "How about a little American Horror Story! I missed the premiere of Hotel because we were out. We should watch it right now!" Ava looks at me and smiles.

"ughhhhhhhhhhh..........Ava no. Its so early in the morning!" I groan

She looks at me and does a puppy dog face. She sets her computer on the bed and crawls over to me. "Please please please plllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeee!!!" she begs as she rubs my tummy.

"Oh alrightttt! ONE episode! ONE!" I say as i point at her. i give her the serious face and she smiles. she kisses my cheek and proceeds to find the show.

[After HOTEL]

[Ava's POV]

"Mamamamamamamamamammamaamammmmmaaaaama! Can we gettt some TTTAAACCCOO BELLL????" I ask as I come behind her while she sits on the couch. I bend down and put my arms around her neck and kiss her cheek and beg and beg and beg.

"TAMRA CAN WE GET SOME TACO BELL! KATY WON'T SAY YES!!!!" I scream as Katy giggles.

"WHAAAT!? I have never heard Katy refuse Taco Bell!" Tamra says. "Kate! Why refuse your favorite food??????" Tamra asks as she plops down next to Katy.

"I have to eat healthy foods. I need my baby to be healthy and nutritious!" She says. 

"WE MUST TACO!" I scream. Tamra and I pull her off of he couch and force her to get in the car.

"We are Taco Bell Katynapping you!" I say Katy groans and Tamra speeds out of the driveway.

"Don't be a 'No Taco Bell bitch'" Tam says to Katy

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