Double date

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There a loud knock on the door I look at Anfernee and he's still asleep, I'll just ignore it. And the person decided to knock again; I get out of bed and brush my teeth real quick grabbing my robe. The person just keeps banging on the door. "What!?" I say swinging the door open.

"Good morning sis I brought breakfast" Lisa says bumping pass me. "You see what time it is Lisa?". "It's ten in the morning time to get your day started"Lisa says placing the food on the counter. I tie my robe up and grab plates for us. "Where's Anfernee?" Lisa ask. "Sleeping like I should be". "Don't start with me Nae".

"Morning baby, Morning Lisa" Anfernee says coming up behind me. "Morning handsome" I turn around and kiss him. "Lisa just cause you came back don't mean you gotta be at this house early in the morning"Anfernee says sitting next to me. "Shut up bones ain't nobody here to see you anyway". We all burst into laughter.

"Mane shut up Lisa I'll kick ya out this house keep playin". Lisa rolls her eyes at Anfernee. "Be nice Anfernee" I say. He smack my ass and go get some juice from the fridge. "So tonight is going to be awesome , Trey can't wait to see you Lisa you should wear that little black dress we got the other day". "Yes I think I will! , you going to do my hair?" She ask with pleading eyes. "You know it".

Later that night Lisa and I start getting all dolled up for this cute little date night. Hopefully tonight with Lisa will make Trey move on from this little crush he has on me. "You sure I look good?" Lisa ask looking in the mirror. "You look perfect Lisa , and if Trey don't think so he's blind!". A smile grows on her face. Growing up Lisa always had self esteem issues , at one point she needed to go see a counselor to help her deal with her severe depression. Over the years she's grown up to be gorgeous I can't lie when we were younger I was jealous of her and still am somewhat but I love the way I look wouldn't change it for the world. "You two look good man" Anfernee says pulling us into a hug. "Thanks babe" I tippy toe to kiss him.

"Yall ready to go ? Or have to finish applying your makeup?" Anfernee says laughing. "Let's go boy" I say walking to the front door. "Ass lookin' right in that dress" Anfernee whispers in my ear. I laugh "it's all yours baby". "I know" he puts his arm around my waist. "Can you two stop being cute for a minute" Lisa says laughing. "It's not our fault" I say shrugging my shoulders. "Did Trey tell you where we heading?" I ask Anfernee as the elevator doors open. "Nope but you can ask him once we get in dere" he says pointing to the white rover. "Girl this is going to be fun" Lisa says practically squealing. We hop into the back and Trey was already eyeing me. "Evening ladies , what's up Anfernee" Trey says.

"Hi Trey , Trey this is my amazing sister Lisa". "Pleasure to meet such a beautiful lady" Trey kisses the back of her hand. "Thank you" Lisa was blushing mad hard , I don't blame her though.

Pulling up to the restaurant I got out first people started taking pictures. "Hi" I waved and smiled. Anfernee held my hand guiding me up the stairs. "Welcome ladies and gentleman follow me" The server says. Anfernee pulls my chair out for me. "Your too kind" I say laughing. We order our meals and a bottle of red wine to get things started. "So Lisa what's it like being back heard you were in Africa for a while" Trey ask. "It was actual really cool helping out , but it's great to be back home" Lisa says. "They look cute together think it'll work?" I whisper in Anfernee ear. "Maybe I mean Lisa a baddie so it might".

"Babe I think after all this music deal and the single drops we should take a trip". "Wea to?" Anfernee says. "Rome?" I say with a huge smile on my face. "Alright baby I'll plan that out for us". "Excuse me I'm going to the ladies room" I say getting up. The restroom is all pretty. This chick comes out and give me a dirty look "Did I do something wrong sweety?" I ask with a attitude. She just rolls her eyes and walks out the bathroom; I thought so. I finish up using the bathroom and wash my hands. "The fuck" I slightly scream soon as I open the door Trey pops up. "What's wrong with you?" I ask. "Sorry I was looking for you" he says licking his lips. "What fa?" I say sounding more like Anfernee . "For this" Trey leans in and kiss me grabbing my ass. It felt so wrong but so right I kiss him back putting my arms around his neck. Getting back to reality I slap him "Don't ever do that shit again" I walk away from him heading back to the table.

"You good baby?" Anfernee ask. "I'm fine" I smile at him to reassure him. "You sure?" He whispers in my ear. I kiss his cheek "Positive babe".

We finish eating the rest of the night went smooth but now this shit is on my mind. Soon as we get inside our condo I threw my heels in a corner and head for the bathroom to brush my teeth. "What's wrong baby? you actin' strange since ya got back from the bathroom". "Nothing babe I just needed to brush my teeth food all up in my teeth". Anfernee shrugs his shoulders and walk out the bathroom.

"Will you help me take this dress off babe". "Yea come hea". He slides the dress above my head throwing it on the bed. Anfernee starts to kiss me I wanted badly to kiss him back but that restaurant scene keeps playing in my head. "I'm sorry baby I feel sick" I kiss his forehead and get in bed.

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