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"I can't believe we lost my phone" I say laughing. "Man we going to find that shit but, told you I was going to beat ya ass at the damn go karts!" Trey says laughing real hard. "You cheated it's simple!". "How I cheated listen ma you just a loser that it!" He says laughing.

After chilling around his hotel room doing nothing but talking , Trey decided to look up something to do he found this cool little arcade type place bag stay open mad late. We been here since around 8 eating , playing all these games and even though he beat me like ten time during the go karts I had fun. "Pay up!" Trey says bending down to my height.

I roll my eyes playfully. "Fine!" I kiss his cheek. "Thank you damn was that so hard!?". "It really was". He hold the door open for me as we head back to his car. "You know what I could go for" I say getting in the car. "What?". "Some fries from McDonalds" I say smiling. He laughs "You one hungry ass little lady". "I eat a lot it go right to my ass" I bust out laughing.

After getting our food Trey take me back to my hotel. "I have to find my phone later on this morning" I say getting out the car. "Let me walk you up there so your man know you safe" he says following me inside. "He probably not even up there". "He probably is up there going crazy like where the fuck my girl at!?".

I shrug my shoulders. We arrive to the second floor and make a right to my room. I slide the card in the door and it opens up. "The fuck you been!?" Anfernee ask soon as the door opens. "I w--" I begin saying before Anfernee cuts me off. "You out here fucking this nigga I warned ya ass about him I'm worried sick and you doing this". Before I knew it I see Anfernee punch Trey. "Oh my gosh! Anfernee chill out man he didn't do anything !" I say trying to calm him down.

"Man chill I ain't trying to fight you" Trey says wiping the blood from his lips. Anfernee slams him against the wall and they fall punches being thrown left to right. "Help!" I yell out. Five people come running out trying to break up the fight. They finally manage to pull them apart they both are a bloody mess. "The fuck Anfernee , you're a fucking hot head instead of thanking Trey you attack him he was the one to stop me from sleeping with him... I wanted to get some revenge but no Trey said no".

I walk up to Trey and analyze his cuts he seems alright. " I am so sorry". "Nah you good , ain't your fault Anfernee can't handle his anger issues and fight me cause he wasn't doing his job" Trey says with a grin on his face. "I'll hit you up later". "Let's go inside Anfernee" I say rolling my eyes. That had to be the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen. They both put up a fair fight shit can't say who won but I probably shouldn't be thinking about that at this moment.

"I heard you moaning and shit when I called you after you ignored my call like hundred times" he says sitting across from me. "No you heard whoever stole my phone moaning , while I was on my way to this go karting place with Trey I lost my phone and it was too late.... " I say shaking my head. "You lost your phone I'm sorry... Nae I ain't mean to act like that". "Hmm whatever Anfernee you're too grown to be doing this shit we aren't teens anymore... Did you fuck her?" I ask looking dead in his eyes.

"Look baby I-I". "Yes or No?" I say getting annoyed. "Technically yes I got head from her a few times but I also slept with her while we were broken up" he says looking at the ground the whole time. I take a deep breath and let it out. "I hate you , don't talk to me on the plane or the car ride anywhere" I say going to the room closing the door being me.

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