Sleeping With The Enemy

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Waking up in his bed I roll over and look at his face. I smile spread across my face. "Morning baby" he says pulling me into his hold. I lay my head on his chest. "Thank you for letting me stay the night Trey". "No problem beautiful come on get ready lets go gets some breakfast and go shopping for you to get some stuff to wear". "Okay let me go shower" I say.

I wrap the towel around my body and grab some lotion. "You can wear my sweats or something to go out?". "I'll take your sweats and a plain tee that's fine". We head off to the mall I put my shades on and head into Victoria Secret first to grab some stuff and then go off too Gap and True Religion.

I go into the bathroom and change into my new outfit putting Treys clothes in the bag. "Ready" I say walking up to him. "Oh my gosh Trey can I get a picture with you?" This girls says coming up to him. "Yeah come here baby" he wraps his arm around her and she takes a selfie. "Thank you so much" she says. "Anytime baby" he says smiling.

Trey walks up to me warps his arm around my waist. "You look good". "Thank you" I feel my cheeks get hot so I look away. "It's cute when you blush" he says bitting his lower lip. This is so wrong but feels so right.

Pulling up to Waffle House I order my usual and some orange juice. "You going to call him?" Trey ask. I take a deep breath "I have too but I just feel so bad about this , I should be trying to get on the right track with my man but I'm out here with you eating breakfast". "He ain't call you though so he probably chilling too". I roll my eyes then pull out my phone not one text or call. I dial his number it goes straight to voicemail , I let out a sigh. "Come lets get this to go". I grab our plates while Trey pays and leave the tip.

We've been sitting in front of my condo for a couple minutes I just can't bring myself to go up there. "Just do it ma , he mad but I'm sure he want to see how his girl doing". I just simply nod my head and get out the car. My heart is racing as the elevator reaching my floor. I put the key in and turn the knob all I hear is music booming through the house. "Anfernee!"

I go into the room and he's smoking look like he's already on his fifth blunt. "Baby" I say I keening next to him. "What ya want Janae?". "I'm sorry about what happen yesterday I never meant to hurt you the way I did". "Janae ain't nobody put a gun to your head , instead of checking on ya nigga you out there kissin lil nigga I ain't neva felt so disrespected!".

I let out a sigh "Baby". "Don't call me dat shit mane , one question Janae wea the fuck you slept last night?". "At Trey's" I say just above a whisper. "Get the fuck outta my face with dis shit Janae". I look back at him the tears start rolling down my face. I go into the guest room and grab my purse and a few things.

"Can you take me to a hotel" I say getting into Trey's car. "Why you tired of sleeping with me already ?". "That's exactly it Trey" I say. The rest of the car ride is quite. I'm looking out the window as the rain hit it a smile grows upon my face remembering when me and Anfernee was little he'd always bring me a flower after school and some snacks while I did my homework.

My smile fades away feeling Trey staring a hole into me. "What?" I say making my attitude clear. "I'm sorry Janae about your situation". "Are you really?". "I'm sorry about the shit that's happening now but I'm not sorry about kissing you Janae and the way you was kissing me back I know you wanted it too".

Trey parks the car in front of the hotel entrance. "Thanks for the ride". "I'll bring some stuff by later text me your hotel room". I simply nod and walk away.

Opening the door to my hotel suite was refreshing I put all my stuff on the bed and go take a shower. After my shower I decided to call Lisa and see how she's doing.

"Hello" I say putting her on speaker. "Hi Nae" Lisa says dryly. "I'm sorry bestfriend". "You ain't hurt my feelings Nae to be honest that just show me what type of dude Trey is and now I can focus on my African prince". I let out a chuckle "I fucked up huh?".

"You did , but just give him some space last night before I left your house he said he loves you so much and that shit really hit him hard I never seen him get soft like that". Lisa's right Anfernee is always that hood ass street dude I love that about him and only time he softens up is around me but this is something different.

"Ima let you go Lisa let me take a nap this shit is giving me a headache". "Alright boo text me later".

Later that night Trey text me he's about to pull up I put on my Victoria secret yoga pants and a white tank top. There's a knock my door I open it up and Trey standing there with flowers , candy and stuff and movies. I laugh "Come on in". "These are for you" he hands me the flowers. I put them in the kitchen and join him back in my room.

"What movies you brought?" I ask looking through he bag. "I got Don't Be A Menace and some other stuff". "Let's watch Don't Be A Menace" I say grabbing the snacks. I lay up under Trey and watch the movie with him.

"Thank you" I say. "What for?". "Sticking around to make me feel better". "I had to I'm feeling you this ain't no joke Nae". "Ssh lets just enjoy the moment". Trey wraps his arm around me. I lay my head on his chest and let the sleep drift me away.

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