Premature Baby

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"Ms.Brown for the baby safety we're going to have to do a C section , the baby is a little young right now so pushing could lead to complications". Tears start running down my face hearing those words. I put my hands on my stomach and begin to do a silent prayer.

Dear father lord in heaven I pray that you watch over my baby and let everything be alright with her. God I know I haven't been the best person but please don't take it out on my little angel.

My heart begins racing. "Baby calm down she's going to be fine and so are you" Anfernee says smiling at me. Trey finally waltz in and seeing me crying his smile drops. "What happen?" He ask. "The baby is coming but doctor says she's a little too small so I need to have a c-section , I'm afraid" I say wiping my tears. Being that she's suppose to be out in three months worries me. I really hope everything goes fine and my baby comes out healthy.

"Hey you're going to fine and so is the baby, she's strong she had to deal with you stressing her little self out all the time" Anfernee says laughing. I crack a smile. "Alright Ms.Brown I'm going to get things started the nurse is going to give you the epidural and you'll have to take a Bicitra to neutralize your stomach acids" The doctor says. "Alright doctor".

"Okay honey sit up and I need you to wrap you arms around me.... And do not move alright" the nurse say. "Damn" I say feeling the needle. I lay back down. "You're doing great" Trey and Anfernee say. "We're going to roll you to the surgical room".

I can hardly feel anything. I hear everything going on but I'm really just nervous at this point. "Ma'am who do you want in here?". I total forgot about them. "Anfernee Randall" I say. He leans in and kisses my forehead. "I love you" he says holding my hand. "I love you too baby".

All I hear are the doctors moving around and the table moving. I can hear the doctors start talking about the incision. A few moments later I hear the baby start crying. "Is she here" I say softly. "Yes and she's beautiful". The doctor hands the baby to Anfernee. The look on his face is pure excitement. He hands her to me and tears just start flowing down my face. "She's beautiful" I say. My head starts spinning and the room gets black.

Finally waking up I'm in my own room. "Where's the baby?" I ask. "She's fine they took her to get cleaned up and stuff". "What did you name her?" I ask. "Maria Randall". "I love it!" I say. Trey comes in the room with balloons and flowers. "She's beautiful " he says smiling. "Thank you". He hands me the stuff. "I'll be back to see you and her tomorrow" Trey says hugging me. "Alright thanks Trey" I say smiling.

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