Apology Accepted

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"Good morning" I say to Lisa. "Morning , breakfast on the stove". "Thanks baby mama" I say heading straight to the stove.

"What we doing today?" I ask taking a bite of my bagel. "I don't know thinking of doing something for dinner inviting some people". "Hmm... Sounds fun lets go get the food after this". "Well one thing I'm inviting Anfernee" Lisa says.

"That's fine" I say smirking. I have to look my best tonight and get my man back this has been going on long enough. "Don't do anything crazy" Lisa giving me the side eye. "Of course not".

Arriving to Publix I decide why not buy some of Anfernee favorites and help Lisa cook. "What's that for?". "I'm making Anfernee some dessert" I say smiling. Lisa laughs "You trying to get you man back". "Hell yeah I miss daddy" I say pouting. "You're a mess lets go girl we have all this damn food to make".

"Hey maybe we should get some drinks too?" I ask. "Yeah let's do it then". I grab two things vodka and some other drinks. We head off to the cash register. "Hi , how are you today ?" The lady says. "Good thanks".
"Thank God we finish all this dang good" I say wiping my hands clean. "Girl I didn't think it would be this bad" Lisa says laughing. "What you wearing tonight?" I ask. "Not sure yet something cute my baby coming in tonight" Lisa says referring to her African doctor Alan.

" I see you girl you going to finally give it up to him or no?". "Girl bye go get ready" She says walking away. I laugh. Going into the guest room I pick out something to wear then go into the shower.

Stepping out the shower I put in my favorite coca butter lotion. I slip on my black lace bra and panties set and my outfit for the night.

The guest start arriving I help Lisa pass out drinks. Anfernee walks in wear all black he look so good. I grab two drinks and walk up to him. "Hey, stranger" I say handing him the drinks.

"What's up?" He says smirking. I miss seeing that cute little smirk on his face. At this moment I just want to take him to the guest room and fuck the shit outta him.

"You look good" I say smiling. "So do you" Anfernee examines my outfit and start biting on his lower lip. I just know he's think the same thing. "Here" I say handing him the drink.

"Thanks shorty , I miss you" he says throwing me off guard. I honestly didn't think Anfernee would say it first. "I miss you too baby". He pulls me into a hug holding me tight.

"Aw ! You guys back at it?" Lisa yes out. We laugh. "Not yet but Ima get my shorty back ain't no stressing that" he says looking at me. "I see you guys, well my African baby coming here soon you guys must meet him since yall on good terms" she says laughing.

I tippy toe so that I can reach p to Anfernee ear. "I want you to have me your way tonight" I say seductively. "Ain't gotta ask me twice baby". Inside I'm jumping for joy shit if it wasn't for all these people my ass would probably be doing back flips and shit.

"Guys this is Alan , Alan this is my sister Janae and my brother In law Anfernee" she says smiling mad hard. I could tell she really feeling Alan her happy ass glowing.

"It is nice to meet you two I've heard so much about you guys"  he says in a heavy accent. "Same" I say smiling.

We all start talking Alan told us about how we need to go out like a double date. But the whole time I couldn't take my eyes off of Anfernee.

"Hi Anfernee" some chick comes up being all flirtatious. "What's up" replies giving her a hug.

The fuck is going on in front of me. "Amy this my girl Janae" he says smiling. "Oh this your girl hmm" she says with a little attitude. "Yeah I'm his girl is there something wrong?" I ask smiling.

"Nope, it's was great seeing you Anfernee and thanks for the great time last night" she says walking away. I don't know if I should slap Anfernee or go over there and slap that bitch for brining that shit up. "Just chill ma it wasn't like that I was helping her with this song she trying to do" Anfernee says.

"Hmm that better be all" I reply. Regardless of my little situation I never slept with Trey not that I haven't thought about it; I mean I got some head from him but that was all. His head game isn't too bad either.

The rest of the night goes by smoothly. Anfernee decided to stay the night. Hopefully I'll be able to go back home soon I miss my baby.

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