2nd Trimester

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"Baby my back is hurting !" I exclaim. This pregnancy shit isn't fucking cute anymore. Heartburn every damn day all her little healthy self want is fruits , veggies , salad it make me sick. I. And wait to find out what I'm having been calling my baby a girl so hopefully I get a girl.

"Come here let me massage your back" Anfernee says. I sit down In front of him. Soon as he begin my massage his phone goes off. "Ignore it!" I whine. "Hold up baby let me check who it is". "Who is it?" I ask.

His facial expression changes. I look at the name written across the screen shit makes me want to throw up. Layla stupid ass stay calling my man phone talking about some she want this and she want that. Bitch call up some other nigga to do all that. I roll my eyes as Anfernee gets up and go out the room.

"Why you can't talk to that hoe in the room?" I ask. "Chill baby". "Fuck her" I say nonchalantly. That girl just annoying. She find out what she having this week and she been all up Anfernee ass.

I start rubbing my stomach and smiling. This baby is going to be my everything. "I love you baby girl" I say rubbing the spot she laying in. She's a kicker especially when her greedy self is hungry then she wants to give me heartburn after I eat. "Stop being a little demon baby , mommy can't take this heartburn anymore".

Anfernee comes back in the room and start getting dress. "Where the fuck you going?" I ask. "Layla wants some food". "I'm coming with you" I say getting my pregnant ass up. I pick out some sweats and a plain shirt to wear and slide on my shoes.

"What you buying this hoe?" I ask getting out the car. This chick always want damn Chinese food or damn McDonald's. "She wants donuts and some Burger King". Anfernee phone starts going off again.

"I'm buying the damn food I'll be at ya house soon". He says hanging up. "Anfernee slow the fuck down my pregnant ass is not about to run after you cause that hoe can't get her pregnant ass up and buy some food". Anfernee laughs. "Chill baby she ain't eat all day".

"Who told her not too?" I ask. "Calm ya pregnant ass down, shit difficult dealing with two pregnant females" he says running his hands down his face. My eyes start to tear up "Why would you even say that about me". "Baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry". "Whatever I'm waiting for you here my feet hurt" I say sitting down.

Another joy of being pregnant my ass is emotional like almost all the damn time. I could just look at the fucking sky and start crying cause the sky is blue. I pull out my phone and text Lisa asking her about the baby shower. Of course my best friend is planning the best baby shower ever.

We arrive to Layla place she has a cute little house. "Hey what's up?" Anfernee says when she opens the door. Her smile turns into a mean mug soon as she sees me. "Hi" I say giving her a fake smile. "She can't come in".

"Chill she with me". Layla rolls her eye then let us in. "Cute place" I say sitting down. "Thanks".

Layla grabs the food and start tearing it up. My stomach begins to grumble. "Baby" I whisper leaning in close to Anfernee. "Yeah?". "I'm hungry now". "I got you some food in the car". "You're awesome" I say smiling.

Anfernee goes get my food. "So Janae how's your pregnancy going?". "It's going great , yours?" I ask. "Good he been kicking me all day , love hearing his dad voice". "Hmm I bet" I reply.

Another hour of being around Layla I would have probably hit her. We're finally leaving. "Bye Layla" Anfernee says hugging her.

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