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"Good morning baby" I say walking up to Trey. "Morning beautiful" he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "I was thinking we go out tonight" I say. "Where you want to go?" . " Surprise me". He smiles "Alright beautiful".

"Let me go start breakfast" I say going to the kitchen. "I'll help". I pull out the pans and stuff start rinsing them out. "Can you grab the pancake mix for me?". "Short self can't reach" he says laughing. "Obviously smart". He grabs the pancake mix for me and place it on the counter. "Get slick again". "What you going to do?" I say laughing. He leans up against me and start grinding on me.

"Oh" I say laughing feeling his dick all up on my butt. "Slow your roll playboy" I push him off me a little. "when you going to stop playing games?". "When I'm ready to stop playing them". He sucks his teeth. "Here mix this while I prep the eggs."

I finish up breakfast and make our plates. "Thanks ma" he says smiling. "You're welcome". I sit down and starting eating. "Ya moms taught you well" he says. "I taught myself to cook , didn't grown up with a mom". "Mybad ma". "It's cool".

We finish eating I wash the plates then go get dress to start the day. "Where you going?" Trey ask. "Hanging out with Jasmine... Told her I'm taking her shopping". "Don't have my little sister looking like a thot". I bust out laughing. "Is that key word to say that I'm dressing like a thot?".

"Nah I just know my little sister" he says laughing. "Alright well let me get going" I say hugging him. "Alright bye beautiful".

"Hey Jas" I say to her as she gets in the car. "What's up?... Thanks for taking me out". "No problem honey". I turn the music up speeding pass car. I look over at Jasmine she looks like a lots on her mind. "You good?". "Not really" she says wiping her eyes. I turn the radio down.

"Spill" I say. "I've been talking to this dude and he want to have sex but I'm just not ready but I love him". "Well first is he rushing you?". "Kinda" she replies. "Hmm... We'll leave his lame ass alone cause all he want is to fuck".

"How you know?". "Well honey I'm a mature ass women.. Been through tons of shit, soon you fuck that nigga he'll move onto the next bitch" I say being honest.  "I'm glad I talked to you before I actual did it". "Was that your plan for tonight?". She nods her head yes . "Cheer up I was once your age making mistakes and shit.. Learn from it that's what make you a women".

Pulling up to the mall Jasmine fixes her makeup. "Take that shit off ya face baby you're too beautiful" I tell her. I catch myself sounding like Anfernee. "Didn't know you had a accent". I sigh "I don't, come on let go". 

I feel so much better shopping. "Lets go into Victoria secret" I say. I decided to get something sexy to wear for Trey tonight. "Oh my gosh Janae?" I hear someone say. "Hi" I smile at her. " I love your music can I get a picture". "Sure" I snap a few pictures with her.

"I love that you're still you, lots of people change once they start hitting fame . And the fact that you're still with Anfernee like you didn't go Hollywood on him is adorable". I mental roll my eyes "Thanks , it was great meeting".

"Media doesn't know?". "Nope I'll keep it that way" I say going to the check out counter. "Janae! The Janae!" Cashier yells out. "Hi honey" I say smiling. "I love you like honestly your songs are life!". I laugh "Thanks shorty 'pperciate it ". I autograph her phone case for her and snap a few pictures. "Have a good day , let's go Jas". 

After dropping Jasmine back at her place I stop by and pick up some champagne. "Baby you home?" I yell out. I get no answer. I lock up behind me and head upstairs. Stripping out my clothes , I head to the bathroom. I'm need of well deserve nice long bath. I fill up the tub with body scrub. Laying my head back on the rim I close my eyes relax.

"Baby " Trey says. "Hi handsome" I say smiling. "How'd it go?". "It's was nice... Join me". He strips out his clothes. I bit down on my bottom lip looking at his body. "Like what you see". "I do" I say laughing. "Shit let's skip all this cute little romantic shit and get right to it" I say. He picks me up and carry me to the bed.

He starts kissing my inner tight, moving on to my cat. Licking up and down slowly. I start moaning. This isn't the best head he could do better. I fake moan maybe that'll get shit going. After I reach climax I sit up and fake a satisfy look. "Wait ! You got some umm.... Coke" I say. He laughs "Hold up".

He grabs a bag from the closet. He pulls out a bag of coke and a magazine to spread it on. "Ladies first" he hands me the rolled paper. I snort my first line real quick that shit rushes to my head. "Getting better at it" he says laughing. "I guess 6th time the charm" I laugh.

After a few more lines I feel amazing. "Fuck me Trey" I say laying down signaling for him to come to me. He makes his way towards me with this smirk on his face. He slowly enters me I feel very little pain. But everything feels more fast pace and better on coke. 

A few rounds later I'm on the balcony smoking a blunt. "Anfernee I miss you" I say out loud. Trey knocked out right after sex , pussy knocked his ass out. I laugh at myself. Going back in I put out my blunt and get back in bed.

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