Doctor Visit

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"Anfernee wake up" I say getting out of bed. Being pregnant isn't easy I wake up morning sickness every other damn day. I haven't reached that point where she a little greedy baby. But the baby makes me nauseous as fuck can't be around certain things or people.

"It's mad early Janae" he says rubbing his eyes. "I'm lonely" I say joining him back in bed. "Come here" he wraps his arms around me and start rubbing my stomach. "I hope we having a girl". "Me too baby but I'll be happy with a boy he could be my mini me". "No we don't need anymore you's running around" I reply laughing. I fell myself getting sleepy again I lay my head on Anfernee.

A few hours later I wake up and go take a shower and everything else I have to do. Looking in the mirror you could hardly tell that I'm pregnant there is like no baby bump. "You're beautiful" Anfernee says kissing me neck. "Thank you now let's get dress for this appointment".

This appointment should be very interesting both of my possible baby daddy's will be in the room. Trey wanted to be at this when it's really Anfernee's days so I made them both come. "Only ride for one person and lil mama that you" Anfernee says holding my hand. I smile at him. "Love you baby".

We pull up to the doctors office and see Treys already here. "Ready?" I ask. "Of course". We walk and Treys all in his phone. I clear my throat to get his attention. "Oh mybad what's up Nae?" He says hugging me. I sign in and take my seat between the guys. "Can we go get some donuts after this?". Anfernee laughs "Yeah".

"You been feeling alright ?" Trey ask. "Yeah I been good he or she just been making me nauseous". "Already acting like her mommy" He says laughing. I look over and Anfernee is actual laughing too. "Ms.Brown". "Here I am" I say getting up. We follow him to the room. "Um who's the father?" The doctor ask. "it's a long story they just both need to be here" I say. "Uh alright".

"Well Ms.Brown being that you're 12 weeks you are probably feeling nauseous often , fatigue & probably you use the restroom frequently" The doctor says. "Yes this baby is a little monster and this is only the first trimester".

The doctor laughs. "You don't seem to be gaining any weight which is normal now this stage of your pregnancy you can miscarriage easily , I want you to be careful and don't walk around too much and eat healthy ... Also no smoking or drinking".

"Gotcha doctor" I say smiling. "Alright let's get your weight then that'll be all".

After taking my weight we all go outside. "Well that went well" I say. "Yeah it was cool , I can't wait till we find out what that baby is" Anfernee says. "Same" Trey agrees.

"Well Trey I'll hit you up for the appointment and keep you informed". "Cool see y'all later". Trey hugs me.

"This is going to be a long ass 6 months" I say laughing. "Sure is! , you want some wings I'm hungry" Anfernee ask. "When am I not hungry?". We laugh. "You right ya ass stay hungry this baby isn't going to make it any better".

I really expected things to be hectic but things been going smoothly hopefully shit stay this way. Anfernee seems real excited about this baby and so does Trey. Hopefully this all plays out the way I want it too.

Good Girl Gone HollywoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora