Hospital Scare

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"Doc what's wrong with her?" Been up in this place for hours and they still ain't telling me what wrong with Nae. "Sir please calm down we're running test on the patient right now , but it seems as if she's had narcotics and other substances ". "The fuck yo all she had was a couple shots that's it she don't do drugs and shit" I say getting upset.

"Calm down Anfernee let the man do his job" Lisa says. I start pacing the room. "Did you know she was doing shit like this?" I ask Lisa. "No she never showed any signs". "Fuck" I say punching the wall. Then it comes to mind that fuck nigga she been messing around with the only one who would give that shot to her. "When I see that nigga Ima knock his ass out" I say out loud.

"Hey what's going on with Janae?" Ole dude come up in here acting like he care. I try my best to stay calm we in a hospital can't risk getting kicked out. "The fuck you did to my girl" He ask coming up in my face. I chuckle "Mane look you got two second to get up out my face". "What you think you bad ?".

"Nah playboy , fuck you been giving Nae?" I ask. "Nothing" he says looking away. Could tell his punk ass was lying. "Nigga own up ta this shit my wife is in a fucking hospital bed with ducking cords all around her damn body cause of yo punk ass!" I yell out. "Fuck you nigga" I say turning my back from him. "Shit if you was doing your job this would happen".

I had enough of this fuck boy. "Na tell me what I didn't do?... No better yet don't say shit ta me I might just knock yo bitch ass out". "You ain't about that life". Told his bitch ass to shit before I knock his light out. Without hesitation I turn around and punch this night dead in his jaw. "Anfernee!" Lisa exclaims. "Told fuck boy to stop talkin to me".

I cross over him and go outside. I go to my car and pull out a blunt. I close my eyes and say a silent prayer. Lord please don't take my baby away , I know me and her been through a lot of stuff but this only make us stronger . I need her in my life , when she wakes up from this when I get my shit together im going to marry Janae and make her Janae Randell .

I take a few more hits then put it out. Walking back in they picked up that fuck nigga. "Anything?" I ask Lisa. "Not yet". "Alright family of Ms.Brown" the doctor says . Me , Lisa and Monk stand up. "We had to pump her stomach.. She had trace of cocaine in her system and mixing it with the alcohol wasn't any good either. She's still unconscious but one of you can go see her right now".

"I'll go" I say. "Follow me sir" the doctor says. It damn near kills me seeing my baby like this. "Hey baby girl" I say moving her hair out her face. "Baby... I love you please wake up" I kiss her forehead. I honestly don't know what I'd do without her. Those couple months without her had a nigga going insane. I pull up a chair next to her bed and watch her just waiting on her to wake up anytime soon.

"Here sir try and get some sleep and just pray for her , God is amazing and through him anything is possible" The nurse says handing me a cover. "Thank you ma'am". I lay my head on her bed and go to sleep.

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