Ch.3 Into Storybrooke

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The next day, as Raven and Apple were getting their breakfast, Raven had a sudden thought.

"Apple" she said.

"Yeah?" Apple asked.

"Am I, like, your aunt?"


"Since my mom was your mom's stepmother, doesn't that make me Snow White's stepsister, therefor making me your step aunt?"

"Huh, I never realized that, then that would make me your step niece".

"Pretty strange huh?"


Just then, Headmaster Grimm appeared on the T.Vs around the school.

"Students" he said with a scared look "I've got terrible news, the Evil Queen had escaped from her mirror prison!"

Everyone gasped.

"What?!" Raven gasped.

"Everything is under control" Grimm said "Raven Queen, may I see you in my office".

"Oh no" Raven gasped as she went to his office.

When she went in, she saw that the mirror had been shattered.

"Oh my gosh" she gasped.

"Raven" Grimm said "Thank goodness you're here".

"What happened?" she asked.

"I just came in and saw the mirror shattered, and your mother was gone".

"Who shattered it?"

"I don't know, I tried looking at the security camera, but the camera was smashed, I thought it was you at first, but then I realized that it couldn't be you".

"What makes you say that?"

"Even though we don't see eye to eye, I know that you would never do anything this evil".

"Well that's true, I would never let my mom escape, and besides, I never went into your office today, I was in the Castleteria the whole time".

"I know, I saw you. But the main reason I wanted you here is because I want you to help us find the Evil Queen and put her back in he mirror prison".


"Well she is your mother, and if you succeed, I will change my mind into letting you, and everyone write their own destiny".

Raven couldn't believe what he just said.

"Are you serious?" she gasped.

"For once, I'm serious about this re-writing your destiny thing. Your mother is the most feared and dangerous villain of all, and we can't let her cause any more harm, so if you put her back in her mirror prison, I'll let you and everyone write their own destinies".

"But what if someone tries to break the mirror again?"

"Oh don't worry, I'll put the mirror in a safe spot so no one can get to it, so what do you say Ms. Queen, will you help us?"

"Can my friends help?"

"Only if you make sure they'll be safe".

Even though Raven loved her mom, she couldn't her do more harm.

"I'll do it" she said "I wont let everyone down".

"Thank you Ms. Queen" Grimm said as she left the office.

After they packed Elena's stuff in her car, Brooke drove with Elena next to her.

"Thank you again for doing this Elena" Brooke said "It means a lot".

"No problem" Elena said "It feels good to get out of the city, it was hard living there, there was a lot of traffic, lot's of stuff were expensive, it was just a hard life".

"Well don't worry, you'll like it in Storybrooke, there's barely any traffic, and lot's of stuff are cheap".

"So am I gonna be a new student at Storybrooke High?"

"Yeah, but you'll like it there, the classes are good, but I should warn you, if you meet Mr. Wren, a geometry teacher, don't make him mad".

"I wont" Elena gave a small smile.

"He's actually the big bad wolf".


"Yeah, and even before the curse, he was pretty strict and scary, he used to teach General Villainy".


"It was a class made for villain students before the curse, you were in it cause you have the most evil in your blood, but you would purposely fail that class cause you didn't want to be evil".


"Yeah, villain classes were pretty hard for you".

"Well, how's the music program at Storybrooke High?"

"Oh I know how much you love music, and you'll love music class, it's a mix of choir and band".

"Awesome, I can sing and play my guitar at the same time".

Brooke gave a small smile.

"So, um" she said "Do you still want me to call you Elena, or can I call you Raven now?"

"Um, I think Elena for now".

"Ok then".

Elena then looked at the map to find Storybrooke, but to her surprise, it wasn't there".

"Uh, Brooke" she said "I can't find Storybrooke on the map".

"That's because Storybrooke can only be seen by fairytale characters" Brook explained "Normal people can't see it".

Elena had a confused look.

"Just wait till we get there" Brooke said "In the meantime, let's listen to some music".

Brooke turned on the radio and the song 'Blank Space' by Taylor Swift was playing.

"Yes!" Elena smiled "I love this song".

"Oh, I know you do" Brooke said as they sang along.

After a while of driving, the girls came upon a sign that said 'Welcome to Storybrooke'.

"Here we go" Brooke said as she drove pass the sign.

As they went in, Elena felt a little shock run through her body, and then it stopped.

"Elena" Brooke said "Welcome to Storybrooke".

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