Ch.53 Magic mirror

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On Sunday, while Elena was watching TV, a knock was heard at the door. She got up and saw Brooke.

"Hey Brooke" she said "Come on in".

"Do you still have that feather?" Brooke asked as she came in.

"Yeah it's on my purse on the couch".

Brooke picked up Elena's purse that still had the purple feather charm on it. She took it off and pulled  the key off her neck.

"Hope this works" she said as she stuck the feather into the hole on the key, it was a perfect fit.

"Wow" Elena said amused "Now that it's together, do we go to the cemetery?"

"Yep" Brooke said as they left to go to the cemetery.

Soon they arrived at the Storybrooke cemetery. The girls walked around the graveyard until they made it to the dark looking mausoleum. And just like in the picture, there was a statue of the skull of the goat with the raven's wings hanging above the door.

"Oh man this is creepy" Elena said with a scared look.

"Well inside this mausoleum is the item that can help break the curse" Brooke said as she looked at the key "I just hope this key works".

She then placed the key into the keyhole and turned it, and to their surprise, it worked. They looked at each other with surprised looks.

"It worked" Brooke gasped.

"Uh, Brooke" Elena said with a nervous look "Should we really be doing this? Are we even allowed to go in here?'

"I don't think so, but we have to look for that item".

She then slowly opened the door and they peeked in. Inside they saw a stand for where a coffin would be placed, but there wasn't a coffin on it. And around it was just a blank wall. Brooke turned the flashlight on her phone and shown the light around as they walked in.

"So where do we find the item?" Elena asked.

"I don't know" Brooke said with confusing "I was expecting a box somewhere but there doesn't seem to be any".

"Uh, maybe there's something on the wall that could help us".

The girls looked around the wall for anything that could help them. Just then Elena found what appeared to be a painting of a circle with a star inside of it. She immediately realized that the symbol was a witch symbol.

"Hey Brooke look at this" she said as Brooke came to her "You think this could be something?"

"Well that's the witch symbol" Brooke said "And your mother is technically a witch, well mostly sorcerer. But maybe if I pushed on it".

She pushed on the symbol as it slid back into the wall and a rumble was heard. The girls stepped back and watched  as the wall slid to the side revealing a dark hallway as the torches that hung on the wall suddenly lit up revealing a table across the hall with a small black box on it. The girls walked across the hall and came upon the Gothic looking box.

"Ok" Brooke said "The item has to be in there".

"You still have the key?" Elena asked.

Brooke put the key into the lock and turned it unlocking it. She opened the box and there lying inside  the box on a velvet blanket was a silver hand mirror.

"There it is" Brooke said as she picked up the mirror.

"That's the item?" Elena said with a confused look.

"I know it's a little weird, but trust me, this is the item".

"How are we suppose to use it?"

"Well from what I remember, this mirror can suck someone in and trap them in here".


"Yeah, I don't know if you have to say a certain spell though, but at least we have the item. Now let's get out of here before we get caught".

The girls headed out of the mausoleum without getting caught as they got into Elena's car and drove off. As Brooke drove, Elena was examining the mirror.

"So, who exactly are we suppose to trap in here?" she asked.

"I don't know yet" Brooke said "But I'm thinking we'll find this person soon".

"Brooke look out!" Elena suddenly yelled as she pointed to a black car that had crossed a red light in front of them.

Brooke quickly slammed on the breaks as they almost flew out of their seats as the car drove pass them. The girls couldn't believe what just happened.

"What the hell?!" Brooke said with a mad look.

"Whoever was driving needs to watch where they're going" Elena said with anger.

"Tell me about it" Brooke agreed as they passed through the red light.

"Wonder who was driving" Elena wondered.

Meanwhile, the person who had cut them off parked in front of Gold's Antique shop. The attractive women with young features came out of her car with her long dark hair up in a bun, sunglasses on her eyes, and her slim body wearing dark edgy clothing as she walked into the shop.

"Good day ma'am" Mr. Gold smiled "Can I help you with anything?"

"Yes actually" she said as she pointed to a book that was kept in a glass box "I was like to get this book".

Gold saw that it was a small old red book with an eclipse on in.

"That book?" he asked.

"Yes that book".

"How much does it say?"


"Are you able to afford it?"

"I am actually" she said as she went to the counter "I can't pay you with money or credit, but, I was thinking we could make an exchange".

"What kind of exchange?"

The women pulled the diamond earrings off her ears and showed them to Mr. Gold.

"These earring costed a thousand dollars" she said with a little smirk "And I'm willing to trade it to you for that book".

"How were you able to afford those earring?" Mr. Gold asked.

"I have my ways" she said with a sneaky look "Now, what do you say, I give you these for the book".

"You're willing to trade your expensive earring for that book?"

She gave him a sassy smile as he then smiled back. He held his hands out as she placed the earrings in his hands and she got the book.

"Have a good day" Mr. Gold put in as the lady went out of the store and got in her car.

She looked at the book and ran her fingers over it as she gave a sneaky smile.

"I already failed on Wonderland" she said "But this time, I am not gonna fail on Storybrooke".

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