Ch.49 New archer

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It was finally the day of the Archery contest, but before the contest even started, Hunter was in the Enchanted Forest practicing his aim onto a target. But as he was practicing, he couldn't stop thinking about if Sparrow was going to cheat or not. He then took aim of the target, but just as he was about to shoot, a voice startled him.

"Well" a scratchy voice said as he turned around and saw Gold.

"Looks like someone's practicing for the Archery contest" he said with a nasty grin exposing his yellow teeth.

"Uh, who are you?" Hunter asked.

"The name's Gold, and I could tell that you need some help".

"What makes you think I need help?"

"You think that Sparrow Hood is going to cheat in the Archery contest today".

"Well, yeah but-".

"Cerise Hood has offered to help you by making sure he wont cheat" Gold cut in.

"How did you know that?"

"Oh Hunter, I know everything" he grinned.

"Uh..." Hunter said with a nervous look.

"And why let Cerise do the work when I can help you?"

"How can you help me?"

Gold then held his hand out and then an arrow appeared in his hand. But this arrow wasn't made out of wood, instead it was made out of metal.

"You see" Gold said "This arrow, no matter where you aim, this arrow will always hit it's bull eye, try it".

Feeling a bit nervous, Hunter took the metal arrow and aimed it at the bulls eye. He then fired and the arrow hit the bulls eye.

"Now try aiming a different way so that it doesn't aim at the bulls eye" Gold suggested.

So Hunter took the arrow out and then aimed, but instead of missing the target, the arrow flew down towards the target and straight into the bulls eye.

"Wow" Hunter gasped with amazement.

"See?" Gold grinned "Now even if Sparrow cheats, you will always hit the bulls eye".

"Um, thanks but, doesn't this sound like cheating?"

"I wouldn't call it cheating, I'd call it, helping".

"Now, why do you wanna help me?"

"What I can't help people?"

"Uh- look Gold, I appreciate the offer, but no thanks" he handed back the arrow "Cerise is gonna help me, and I'm pretty sure I can handle it".

"Suite yourself" Gold said as he took the arrow "Go ahead with your practicing".

"Thank you" Hunter said as he faced the target "Oh and-" he turned around but was surprised to see that Gold had vanished.

"What a weird guy" he said to himself.

"Hunter!" someone called.

He looked and saw that Cerise was running towards him.

"Hunter the Archery Contest is starting in 5 minutes!" she told him.

"Oh!" he said surprised "Well in that case I gotta go!"

"Come on!" she urged as they left the Enchanted Forest.

The Archery Contest was held on the Bookfield where everyone had gathered on the bleachers waiting for the contest to start. Hunter made his way to the field while Cerise sat on the bleachers next to Ashlynn. On the field Hunter saw Sparrow, Cupid, and other students preparing for the contest. He also noticed someone he hasn't seen before, it was someone wearing a forest green hood and his head was lowered so that Hunter couldn't see his face.

"Hunter!" Cerise called as she motioned him to come to her.

So he ran across the field to her and Ashlynn.

"I just wanted to say that I've been watching Sparrow all day and so far he hasn't done any thing that would make him cheat" she told him "But I'm still gonna watch him though".

"Thanks" Hunter said.

"Hunter" Ashlynn said "I believe in you".

"Thanks" he smiled as they gave each other a quick kiss as he went back to the other archers.

As he waited for the contest to start, the new hooded guy came up to him. He looked at Hunter with his brown eyes and dark brown hair.

"So I heard you're an archery master" he said.

"Uh, I am" Hunter admitted.

"So you got a good feeling that you'll win this contest?"

"Uh, I don't know, I mean everyone's a winner here".

"Well there can be only one winner".

"Yeah well, I wish everyone luck".

"Yeah you should wish yourself luck, cause you're gonna need it".

The guy then gave a sneaky smile as he went away. Hunter was getting an uneasy feeling about that guy. And now he was more nervous about the contest. And above on the bleachers, Gold stood behind everyone and he looked down at the field and gave a sneaky grin.

After school the next day, Kayla went up to Julie was heading towards her car.

"Julie!" she called as she caught up to her "So?"

"So what?" Julie asked.

"Did you let Kendell down easily so that you can go to the dance with Scott?"

"Oh" Julie said with a nervous look "I'm not gonna do it".

"What?" Kayla gasped "How come?"

"I was going to, but then Kendell told me how pumped up he was to go and I just felt that I couldn't do it cause I didn't want to hurt his feelings".

"Julie, this is Kendell we're talking about, he doesn't need a date to go to the dance. And you know I bet he's just gonna ignore you and just hang out with his band and his lady friends".

"Kayla" Julie sighed "It's too late anyway, the dance is this Saturday, I already promised Kendell I'd go with him".

"But what about Scott?"

"Then I guess he'll have to go with someone else" Julie said, trying to hide her sad face.

She then got in her car and drove away. Kayla stood there with shock as Scott came up to her.

"Let me guess" he said "She's still going with Kendell?"

"I'm sorry Scott" Kayla said sadly.

"That's ok" he sighed.

"No it's not ok, you two like each other, you have to go to the dance together".

"But it's too late already, she's going with Kendell. And I already made plans for Saturday, I'm just gonna stay home, watch Netflix, and just chill out".

"Oh no you're not, you are gonna go to the dance".


"I can tell that Kendell is just going to ignore Julie at the dance, and when he does she'll be lonely, so you have to be there for her".

"You really think he'll do that?"

"It's Kendell, I'm sure he will".

"But I can't go to the dance alone".

"I'll go with you, and if anyone ask, no we are not dating".

"Don't worry, I'll tell them that".

"Now go home and get ready for Saturday, cause you are about to hook up with Julie Green".

Once upon a time: Ever After HighHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin