Ch.57 No choice

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The next day at school, as Elena was working in her English class, the announcement came on.

"Mr. Bree" Mr. Gram said "Would you please send Elena Jensen to the office for a moment?"

Elena's eye widen along with Lauren.

"Uh, sure" Mr. Bree said as he turned to Elena.

She got up with a confused look as she went out of the room and to the office. She went into Mr. Gram's office where she saw him sitting at his desk.

"Have a seat Ms. Jensen" he said as she sat in the chair in front of him.

"Am I in trouble?" she asked.

"Um, I wouldn't say you're in trouble" he said "But I just have some bad news".

"Oh oh" she thought with a nervous look.

"Elena, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have to leave Storybrooke".

"What?" she gasped.

"Apparently the Mayor just called and said that he wanted you out of Storybrooke".

"How come?" she asked with a shocked look.

"He didn't exactly explain, he just called and told me that if you don't leave Storybrooke he'll fire me and then he just hung up".

"But that doesn't make any sense".

"Also, Ms. Eve sent me and email that you're failing all of your classes except music".


"Have a look" he pulled up the email showing her grades.

Elena couldn't believe it, she had D's and F's in all of her classes except for music.

"How is this possible?" she asked with a shocked look "The last time I checked my grades I was passing all of them, even Math!"

"I don't know" Mr. Gram said.

"This can't be happening, this is all a mistake, I know I'm passing my classes and I can't leave Storybrooke".

"I'm sorry Elena, but I'm afraid you have no other choice".

"No, I do have a choice, I'm gonna talk to all of my teachers and prove that I'm not failing any of my classes, and then I'll talk to the Mayor and ask him why he wants me out of Storybrooke".

And with that she left the office, not knowing that Eve was watching her with a sneaky look.

After school, Elena met up with Lauren and Macy at the front of the school and told them about what happened in Mr. Gram's office.

"The Mayor wants you to leave Storybrooke?!" they both gasped.

"I know, crazy right?" Elena said "But that's not all, he even showed me that I'm failing all of my classes except for music".

"But weren't you passing all of your classes?" Lauren asked.

"I was, but get this. I talked to all of my teachers today and asked them about my grades, and they all said I was passing".

"What?" they both said.

"It's crazy".

"But what about the grades Mr. Gram told you about?" Macy asked.

"Well Ms. Eve-" she stopped as her eyes widen "Wait, Ms. Eve sent the email to him".

"Ms. Eve?"

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